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"Minette - in commerce as"  rose photo courtesy of member arvid jørgensen
Photo Id: 113071

Arvid`s garden Lista, southwestern coast of Norway late July 2008.This rose often known as "Nordisk ros(e)"(Nordic Rose) in Scandinavia, is found in numerous old gardens here on top of Europe. Over the years suckers have "wandered" from garden to garden and the original name was lost along the way. Not until quite recently it was established that this is the French rose Minette.My rose is also such a sucker given to me by some local friends. I am all the same sorry to say that I am quite annoyed with this rose in as much as the buds seem to be balling no matter what the weather is like - rain or shine. I must admit that I have been tempted to just dig it up and get rid of it, but it is still there in its place. Just for the record I might add that the leader of the Oslo Rose Society holds this rose to be one of her top favourites. The rose is seen against a backdrop of Etude and withering flowers of Mme Plantier.

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