Another bloom from the same bush. I do find though that you can get quite a few variances in the bloom form and the other four posts in this gallery are good examples, it's kinda like having 3 - 4 different roses but they all come from the same plant! Some might see it as a flaw but I personally love it! I think my favourite if I had to choose would be the form of "Perrfect"s post, where the bloom opens up saucer like and with a frilly ball shaped cup in the centre!
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Another bloom from the same bush. I do find though that you can get quite a few variances in the bloom form and the other four posts in this gallery are good examples, it's kinda like having 3 - 4 different roses but they all come from the same plant! Some might see it as a flaw but I personally love it! I think my favourite if I had to choose would be the form of "Perrfect"s post, where the bloom opens up saucer like and with a frilly ball shaped cup in the centre!