The blooms are really lovely, with an interesting silky texture to the petals, and the spicy scent is quite nice. The blooms are very fact, they are the short-lived blooms of the hundreds of rose in my garden. The plant itself is a so-so plant, not particular good-looking as a fact, if I were desperate for rose real estate, it would not be in my garden. After four years it should be doing more than it is or has done, but perhaps it needs more time?
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The blooms are really lovely, with an interesting silky texture to the petals, and the spicy scent is quite nice. The blooms are very fact, they are the short-lived blooms of the hundreds of rose in my garden. The plant itself is a so-so plant, not particular good-looking as a fact, if I were desperate for rose real estate, it would not be in my garden. After four years it should be doing more than it is or has done, but perhaps it needs more time?