Augusta Luise growing in Islamabad, zone 9b. First day bloom. Temp nowadays range between 108 to 115*F and blooms of most of my roses fry out in few hours. Bloom size is small and fragrance is just mild. Augusta Luise still has fairly strong fragrance and size is reasonable, not as good as it was in spring but better than many other roses whose blooms in this heat are of the size of a miniature rose. Photo taken on 2 June 16
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Augusta Luise growing in Islamabad, zone 9b. First day bloom. Temp nowadays range between 108 to 115*F and blooms of most of my roses fry out in few hours. Bloom size is small and fragrance is just mild. Augusta Luise still has fairly strong fragrance and size is reasonable, not as good as it was in spring but better than many other roses whose blooms in this heat are of the size of a miniature rose. Photo taken on 2 June 16