Initial post
18 JAN 19 by
This message is for William Radler:
I grew a rose you discovered by the name of Lemon Meringue. I grow several roses in my garden. In all, 17 bushes across 5 rose types are your creations. And Lemon Meringue is my favorite of all. It grew very well in my Atlanta garden. Unfortunately it died suddenly one spring while in it's first bloom cycle that year. I have not been able to find it for sale except for a grower in Canada but their reviews make them appear to be an expensive gamble. I was hoping you might know who has this rose for sale or cuttings and is willing to ship to Atlanta.
I have posted a picture of Lemon Meringue if you care to see how beautiful it became.
Thank you for any help you can offer! - Mark Harris
Lemon Meringue™, as you most likely know, is a sport of Autumn Sunset which I found on a plant of Autumn Sunset that I was growing. It was introduced by Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc.
Roses come and go in the rose industry and if you look on the internet at the Weeks 2018 catalog on page 7, or in the 2019 internet catalog, Lemon Meringue™ is not listed. It is my assumption that Weeks has decided not to sell it. (On the other hand, their 2019 picture of Autumn Sunset™ looks more like Lemon Meringue™. Perhaps they didn't have a better photo. I hope that Weeks is not selling Autumn Sunset™ when the plant is actually Lemon Meringue™.)
Generally, rose companies often don't tell rose breeders when a rose will not be propagated and sold.
If you could find a retail seller of Weeks Roses, you could take a gamble that it might be Lemon Meringue™. If it turns out to be Autumn Sunset™, you would still have a good rose but the coloring would be a light orange blend.
On the internet, the only vendor I could find is Vandermeer Nursery. And I am not familiar with dealing with that nursery. Nevertheless, I have ordered roses from other Canadian nurseries with good success.
#2 of 4 posted
20 JAN 19 by
Thanks for responding. You're right, Weeks said they are no longer producing this rose. I checked the nursery you suggested and it appears they do have it. I sent them an email so we'll see. Thanks again. Mark
By coincidence, I came across this card this week:
#4 of 4 posted
22 JAN 19 by
Ha!! That's pretty fitting.