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Discussion id : 120-076
most recent 6 APR 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 FEB 20 by Flame_Master
Can anyone help me identify this rose?
It grows somewhat like a climber, it is vigorous. The flowers are a mix of apricot, pink and reddish hues. When opening, the reverse of the petals are yellowish while the flower is a mix of yellow, oranges, reddish hues and pink. Sometimes it fades into a mauvish salmon pink.
The flower has a sweet fruity fragrance (I am guessing it is moderately fragrant).
It blooms in clusters, sometimes, in very large clusters.

I thought it might be Aloha (2003), but just doesn't seem to look right. Joseph's coat is also listed as fragrant but the colors are different I suppose. The same with Pinata.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 2 FEB 20 by Kim Rupert
I'm not familiar with the Aloha you mention, but it is NOT Joseph's Coat, Jacob's Robe nor Pinata. Guaranteed. It may well be the Kordes Aloha but under different conditions the other photos were taken.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 2 FEB 20 by Flame_Master
My initial guess was that this might've been Aloha, but the buds looks different from the HMF photos. The buds are red in HMF pics while for me, they are yellow.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 6 APR 20 by Flame_Master
Turns out it is 'Gold Medal'! In the tropics, I suppose it's the sun, it shades to orange-red wherever the sunlight hits it. The result is an orangish glow on the petals of the flowers during warmer months and yellow with subtle orange highlights during cooler months.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 6 APR 20 by Kim Rupert
That's surprising! I'm glad you solved your mystery.
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