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"Madiran Climber" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 80-840
most recent 7 AUG 21 HIDE POSTS
Reply #1 of 8 posted 2 OCT 14 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Wow, seems to be dead ringer. Wouldn't it be nice to know we have this one back?
Reply #2 of 8 posted 2 OCT 14 by Margaret Furness
Good sleuthing, Patricia!
Reply #3 of 8 posted 3 OCT 14 by Patricia Routley
Was a guess - a hint only for John to consider 'Ophirie'.
Reply #4 of 8 posted 22 SEP 15 by John Hook
I did consider this early on but I ended up rejecting the idea as too many characteristics were different. I have another foundling from the Ariege that does match the descriptions but is virtually free of prickles so I'm not sure
Reply #5 of 8 posted 3 APR 19 by AmiRoses
And what about Nisida or Mondor ?
Reply #6 of 8 posted 28 MAY 20 by Patricia Routley
....or ‘Louis Leveque’?
Reply #7 of 8 posted 6 JUN 21 by kai-eric
...looks alike rosette delizy - bristly pedicels, same foliage, same few prickles. i have them some 5 meters apart. never wondered about similarities but right now they are blooming simultaneously and it is so obvious that they are the one and only thing!

after having compared madiran climber and 'souvenir d'un ami'/loubert(france) which is thought to be rosette delizy, i'm pretty convinced that both are the same variety.

the first set of pictures is showing madiran climber.
Reply #8 of 8 posted 6 AUG 21 by kai-eric
the second one gives an impression of 'souvenir d'un ami' ex loubert(france). the blossom in the pictures carried 6 sepals but blossoms with 5 sepals are the rule.
Reply #9 of 8 posted 7 AUG 21 by kai-eric
the two of them side by side
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