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'Dame Janet Baker' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 134-294
most recent 2 SEP 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 AUG 22 by Cambridgelad
Summer Beauty seedling x Spice of Life x Light Fantastic)
Reply #1 of 15 posted 28 AUG 22 by Michael Garhart
Have you tried contacting a mod about your information from Dickson so maybe it could be formalized?
Reply #2 of 15 posted 28 AUG 22 by jedmar
We need published information for adding or modifying parentages. Otherwise, this information remains as Member comments or Notes.
Reply #3 of 15 posted 29 AUG 22 by Michael Garhart
What about direct correspondence from the creator?
Reply #4 of 15 posted 29 AUG 22 by jedmar
Breeders can add information on their roses. Many amateur breeders list their own roses.
Reply #5 of 15 posted 30 AUG 22 by Cambridgelad
All the additional information has been provided for me, parentage etc, by Colin Dickson. I have details for a number of other roses, Kate Chillingworth, Usha Ki Kuran, Nick Seed etc, that have not be added to the site
Reply #7 of 15 posted 1 SEP 22 by jedmar
Stephen, the website of Colin Dickson lists 40 named seedlings, whose names have been given by private persons against a contribution of £ 1000 upwards. There are a further 18 seedlings available for naming at the moment. Most of these will end up in a private garden, not be propagated further and not commercialized. There is no further information on the website than a photo, the name, and the naming occasion. This cannot be of interest to other HMF members, unless the roses are in multiple private or public gardens, we get photos and details of the roses. These details have to come from the breeder or from a publication. If you publish an article on this subject, then we will be happy to include the mentioned roses.
If you receive private information from Colin Dickson on his roses listed on HMF, then we can add this as a note such as "Member Cambridglelad states that...."
Reply #9 of 15 posted 1 SEP 22 by Cambridgelad
I will in future send you details of the roses commerically grow. Amongst those missing are Kate Chillingworth and Usha Ki Kiran, Lady Adrianna which need adding. Nick Seed is a private treaty rose, which in my eyes should be listed as they be the parents of a listed roses but I unstand your point.

Colin Dickson often provides me information such as parentage and the size of all his rosss (including the private treaty ones( for my own records, which I love to share with others.

Stephen Harper-Scott

Ps. I am at present involved in laying out two new rose gardens:
The Cambridge City F.C. Memorial Rose Garden
The Rose Garden of Etheldred
When possible will add the roses that are planted.
Reply #10 of 15 posted 1 SEP 22 by jedmar
We have added the roses you mention, as they can be purchased on Dickson Roses' website. If you share additional information, we can add it as a note.
Reply #6 of 15 posted 1 SEP 22 by Michael Garhart
Eh. Okay, cool. Would have been nice to know years ago when some of us used to try to contact these places. We were even prompted to do so if we had felt like it on multiple occasions. Now there are two choices:

1. Have them do it themself, or

2. Publish it in a publication.

Neither of which is likely to ever happen. It would have happened naturally by now.

I won't bother wasting my time digging for rare information anymore.
Reply #8 of 15 posted 1 SEP 22 by jedmar
Michael, we appreciate the information you provide, e.g. on patents, which we regularly add. The estimated parentages are, on the other hand, left as a comment, until confirmed by a publication.
Reply #11 of 15 posted 2 SEP 22 by Michael Garhart
If HMF is no longer an organic process by those and for those of the rose culture, then I have no desire to be a part of it. I have already watched and experienced the gate keeping by the ARS and its local organizations. No, thank you. This is not how one keeps the flame alive. There is a reason my generation is under-represented. Whatever is occurring in this thread is not the ethos I signed up for.

When I was 18, I watched a middle-aged lady show up at the Lloyd Center Mall - Portland Spring Show. She brought her things like she was told she could. When she would ask for help understanding what to do, she was brushed aside like a disease. She went from person to person. Same response. I watched long enough. I decided to help her through the entire process of entering what she had brought. I was the youngest person there. Officers? Nah. The society members boasting away with jokes out loud? Nope. None could be bothered. And how could they? It was all about WINNING. Obviously not about representing rose culture and welcoming the outside public that were paying to get in later that day, to educate them on the diversity and spectacle that is the rose. Not a chance.

This memory alone outweighs everything I had ever won exhibiting.

Anyway, I would prefer HMF delete my account. If not, I will slowly remove my visual content over time when I feel like it.
Reply #12 of 15 posted 2 SEP 22 by HMF Admin
Michael, could you be persuaded to elaborate on what you mean by and why you feel HMF is "no longer an organic process...".

From its very conception (25 years ago), HMF has always been about proving a TOOL for the rose community to share their knowledge and experience. Its usefulness, and continued existence, is entirely a function of the rose community at large. It has at times been mistaken for and chastised for not providing a staff backed SERVICE. That is not what HMF has ever been about.

The founders built a tool and wonderful people, yourself included, have made HMF the resource it is. If you have specific issues you would like to address, please feel free to forward them to the support department and I will see that your missive gets forward to the founder for review.

Meanwhile, we respect your feelings and thank you for your many contributions to HMF.
Reply #13 of 15 posted 2 SEP 22 by HMF Admin
Would we be so fortunate to have all HMF members so devoted to accuracy. Providing an online mutable resource can be a bit of a tight rope walk.

Roughly 15 years ago, we opened HMF maintenance up to any registered guest and the result was a disaster, it took years to purge erroneous and non-rose related data. As you can imagine, this made us a bit sensitive about managing our database at times. On the bright side, our software enhancements of the past two years have been geared to provide maintenance access to a larger audience with a moderator review process to finalize submission.

I will discuss the issue you have raised with the founder and our moderators
Reply #14 of 15 posted 2 SEP 22 by Plazbo
Sometimes even what is meant to be an accurate resource isn't. Compare the patent AU
vs US of NOA1811108. Same code, different flower (AU patent image has it as a deep magenta, US patent image has it as a pastel pink with fuller blooms). Meanwhile every posted image (and every online marketing photo of it in AU) is pastel pink.

Also note the USA patent has it getting darker at the base of the petal

What happens in legal documentation used as a reference is faulty? (the au patent image appears to have switched NOA1811108 and Noa16079)
Reply #15 of 15 posted 2 SEP 22 by jedmar
Actually I would have thought that patent authorities would be checking earler patents or applications from other countries and compare it with the current application.Apparently they are not always careful. Some breeders have differing descriptions in the US, Canadian or Australian patents, which makes a summary for HMF difficult. In extreme cases, we add a note to that respect.
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