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'Jacquenetta' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 61-577
most recent 21 SEP 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 JAN 12 by Tomartyr
It would be interesting to know why David Austin considers this rose to be inferior. I saw two large group plantings in the Anderson Rose Garden, Timaru, NZ, today and they were magnificent.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 31 JAN 12 by Kathy Strong
Austin considers all roses "inferior" if they cannot be patented or trademarked to protect their commericial rights. This one is in that group. There's probably NOTHING wrong with the rose itself -- the problem to them is just that it cannot make money for Austin.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 21 SEP 14 by Jane Z
I grew Jaquenetta & adored her blooms She can appear a bit gawky & angular in growth habit though, but also my plant & others I knew did start to show dieback problems & loss of vigour. (NSW eastern Australia)

My plant produced a lovely sport (5+ petal yellow) but sadly all 6 of the propagated plants finally failed, & sucumbed to dieback. Also after 2-3 years it was apparent that the sport wasn't stable either.

Many of Mr Austin's decisions are obviously commercial, but I wonder if this decision didn't have some 'performance' elements to it.
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