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'Francis Dubreuil' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 85-953
most recent 16 JUN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 JUN 15 by true-blue
Journal des Amis des Rose Nov-Dec 1921

Context: This is a grouping of letters published under the title Roses resistant to Mildew. I'm only translating the one by Paul Nabonnand, which pertains to Francis Dubreuil. According to him FD is resistant to Mildew.

Here is the translation of his letter:

We have received a letter from Mr. Paul Nabonnand, rosarian at Golfe-Juan (T.N.)Côte d'Azur, France)

Dear Editor, you are right of asking the readers of the Les Amies des Roses (Friends of the roses), to give a list of roses that are resistant to mildew. as the list from Our Garden Journal, might give us the impression that they are few and far between.
In our climate all cryptogamic deceases develop rapidly and in all seasons.
I'm going to list those which are more or less resistant, or resistant as even though mildew presents itself, it does not harm the growth of rose and it flowers as if nothing ever happened.
This list is for sure not complete, as I name those which are the most widespread….

Bengales :
Rose ordinaire, Cramoisi, Louis Chabrier, Mme Eugène Résal, Gloire des Rosomanes, Nabonnand.

Hybrid perpetuals :
American Beauty, Anna Diesbach, Baronne de Rotschild, Baronne Prévost, Captain Christy, Eclair,
Georges Arends, Gloire de Chédane, Guinoisseau, Gloire Lyonnaise, Heinrich Munch, Hugh Dickson, Merveille de Lyon, Mrs John Laing, Reine des Neiges, Ulrich Brunner.

Teas :
Archiduc Joseph, Baronne Henriette de Lœw, Beatrix Ephrussi, Bertha Klemann, Claire Jaubert, Comtesse de Bardi, Comtesse de Noghera, Comtesse de Leusse, Comtesse E. de Guigné, Comtesse Sophie Torby, Francis Dubreuil, Général Galliéni, Général Schablikine, Georges Schwartz, G. Nabonnand, Grande Duchesse Anastasie, Lady Roberts, Lady Hillingdon, Mme de Watteville, Mme Hoste, Mme Lambard, Marie Van Houtte, Mrs A. Byas, Mme Nabonnand, Mme Antoine Marie, M. Tillier, Papa Gontier, Paula, Peace, Paul Nabonnand, Princesse Radzivill, Safrano, Sylphide, Reine Emma des Pays-Bas, Rosomane Narcisse Thomas;

Hybrid teas :
Annie Besant, Mme Caroline Testout, Duchess of Wellington, Général Mac Arthur, Hoosier Beauty, Jon-kheer J. L. Mock, Lady Ursula, La France, La Tosca, Laurent Carle, Mme Abel Chatenay, Mme Edward Pawell, Mme Edmond Rostand, Mme Hector Leuillot, Mme Segond- Weber, Marquise de Sinety, National Emblem, Prince de Bulgarie, Prince Mohamed Ali, Souvenir du Président Carnol, Vicomtesse Folkestone.

Climbers :
Ards Pillar, Ards Rambler, Aimée Vibert, Cramoisi, Anemonaen rose, Banks blanc, jaune, épineux de la Chine, Chromatella, Docteur Rouge, Fanny Stollwerk, Gigantea, Gloire des Rosomanes, Laevigata, Italia, Lady Waterlow, Lamarque, Mme Alfred Carrière, Mme Jules Siegfried, Marie Lavallée, Papillon, Noella Nabon- nand, Rêve d'Or, Rose Romarin, Marie Roussin, Wasily Schludoff, Zéphirine Drouhin.

Paul Nabonnand
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 JUN 15 by Patricia Routley
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