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'D'Orsay Rose' Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 93-235
most recent 7 JUN 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUN 16 by Andrew from Dolton
Here are some pictures of the pedicel and receptacle that I hope will help identify which rose this is, the middle picture has the stipule removed.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 JUN 16 by Patricia Routley
Wonderful photos. After private emails confirming a study name of "Bissetts Cottage Rose", I was going to suggest that I move your photos, but you have already found the file. Andrew, would you please check any botanical characteristic is correctly listed. Once the "Bissetts Cottage Rose" file has all photos, and all details listed, we can really delve deeper into just what this very old rose may be.
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