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Ron B
most recent 15 FEB 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 24 APR 09 by Ron B
I have had two Frau Karl Druski roses (bare root). They have grown well, healthy good foilage etc. but practically no bloom. I live in zone 7. Any suggestions?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 15 FEB 10 by Wendy C
How are you pruning this rose?

In my experience Frau Karl doesn't like to be pruned like you would a modern rose. In the spring I only remove dead growth. Dead heading consists of pinching blooms. See if this doesn't yield you more blooms.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 15 FEB 10 by Ron B
Thank you for your comments. That may very well help as I may have pruned too much. Due to the rather "leggy" characteristic of this rose I have been inclined to do more prunning than on other roses.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 15 FEB 10 by Wendy C
It's a common mistake. Generally speaking the antique roses tolerate much less pruning. Plant some lavender in front so you don't see his spiny legs.
most recent 8 SEP 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 JUN 06 by cajunangi

I have Pascali and she is a pretty rose not inclined to blackspot. They are small blooms and pointed petals. Very pretty.

Reply #1 of 3 posted 31 MAR 08 by wnddyer
What zone are you in? I am considering Pascali, but I was worried about blackspot. I live in zone 7, and the summers here are very hot and humid.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 30 MAR 09 by Ron B
I am in zone 7.Yes humidity and BS are a problem. I have had a Crystalline with mediocre results. I am interested in Pascali because it is in the Rose Hall of Fame. If I could determine that Pascali is likely to do well here I will give it a try. Would have to order from an out of the area location because, to my knowledge, this rose is typically not carried by local nurseries and I am reluctant to by friom Lowes/HomeDepot
Reply #3 of 3 posted 8 SEP 09 by Unregistered Guest
I absolutely adore this rose! It's my favorite white tea. I buy only from growers who offer plants grown on their own root stock. It does well here in Bisbee, Arizona. I have also grown it in two gardens in California.
most recent 30 MAR 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 MAR 09 by Ron B
How does Crystalline compare to Pascali for zone 7B?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 30 MAR 09 by HMF Admin
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