The plant Search By Name page is used to search for a plant, or plants, matching the full or partial plant name you provide. Matching plant names are listed alphabetically and grouped by how well they match the search name. Be sure to check each list group.Each plant name is a clickable link to the plant details page. A list of letters to the right of each plant name correspond to the legend at the page bottom and highlight some characteristics of the specific plant listing. Use
Enter a complete or partial plant name and click the SEARCH button to search for plants matching the name entered.- There are 4 different types of name searches.
- A Best Matches search, the default, looks for the best matches to the full or partial named entered. An exact match on a unique plant name will take you directly to the plant page otherwise the closest matches are listed alphabetically followed by another alphabetical list of less likely but potential matches.
- A Begins With search looks for plant names beginning with the name entered. For example, enter "moon" to list all plant names beginning with "moon", like 'Moon Shadow' or 'MoonBerry'.
- A Contains search looks for plant names containing the name entered. For example, enter "moon" to list all plant names containing "moon", like 'Moon Shadow', 'Full Moon Rising', 'Blue Moon' or Honeymoon.
- An Ends With search looks for plant names ending with the partial name entered. For example, enter "moon" to find the plant 'Blue Moon' or 'Honeymoon' .