PhotoComments & Questions 
Madame Anisette  rose photo courtesy of member grzeng
Photo Id: 414020

What can I say, it's a robust plant! Probably best disease resistance out of all the roses I've got, it held onto its foliage the whole season long in my blackspot ridden climate. Got as a bareroot in winter 2022 from Treloars, and as per the catalogue it didn't repeat at all in its first season over summer/autumn which I've read is fairly normal for a Kordes. I'd describe the fragrance as lotus scented.

Photo taken 07.05.2023, which was the same day I'd chopped it to about half its height and defoliated it, but in hindsight I think I would have left it alone to do whatever it wanted to do. Currently budding up again (06.08.2023) and I'm hoping to make a few crosses with it with the Austins I have. The only thing I don't really like about it is it doesn't like to ramify, only grow straight up.

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