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Discussion id : 11-365
most recent 21 JUN 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 FEB 06 by Vickie Burroughs
Here is a closer picture of the rose I was talking about. I have been searching on the rose search.. but so far I haven found it.... see if this helps...
Reply #1 of 8 posted 1 MAR 06 by Anonymous-100347
This looks like Mary Austin, a David Austin rose which has a very long bloom season.
Reply #2 of 8 posted 1 MAR 06 by Vickie Burroughs
This rose only blooms once a year around April to the end of May. Normally gone by Memorial day... does Mary Austin do that..... ?
Thanks for the reply
Reply #3 of 8 posted 1 MAR 06 by Anonymous-100347
See if it has "moss" by the bottom of the buds; if so it could be Common Moss rose.
Reply #4 of 8 posted 1 MAR 06 by The Old Rosarian
Could you describe how the rose bush grows? Such as tall and upright of lax and bending over. Does it sucker, have many thorns or get black spot? Is it very fragrant and how would you describe the colour such as pink or mauve pink.
Reply #5 of 8 posted 2 MAR 06 by Vickie Burroughs
Yes, it is a pinkish Mauve I believe... it is lax and bends over ... its a shrub type, that spreads out at the base and gets wilder and wilder.... it does have thorns... I can't remember if it has alot of thorns... it seems like it had quite a few on a stem. And it only bloomed once a year ... lasting about a month or maybe alittle longer... in the spring of the year... we lived in West Virginia.... not sure but think that was in zone 5 or 6.

I have been looking at the David Austin site... I found 3 roses that looks like it could be.... Duchesee d'Angouleme.......Queen of Denmark..... or La Ville de Bruxelles...
I think it might be Duchesee d'Angouleme.....

Thanks for the interest and help in my Mothers rose...
Reply #6 of 8 posted 2 MAR 06 by The Old Rosarian
La Ville de Bruxelles is a very large, tall bush and the flower are a light rose pink and the Duchesse has blowsy flower of a blush pink. However, from the shape and colour of the flowers, I think it may be the Gallica, Belle de Crecy. Here is a picture of my Belle de Crecy.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 2 MAR 06 by Vickie Burroughs
Ok where can I find one of these roses.... I know my Mom had it for at least 50 yrs... I really need to find one to purchase...

thank you
Reply #8 of 8 posted 21 JUN 06 by stacy
My instant reaction to your two photographs was that it is Queen of Denmark. It depends on the foliage - can you remember what it was like? Q of D's is quite light and sort-of-ordinary, if you know what I mean, lots of it, soft rather than shiny, very healthy. I grow both Q of D and Ducjesse d'Angouleme, and could photograph them for identification if you are still wondering. I'm sure it's not Ville de Bruxelles - which is a sharper pink altogeether.
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