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'Circus' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 20-916
most recent 2 SEP 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 AUG 07 by Bren's Garden
Circus was new in my garden in 2006 and at first, it was stingy with blooms and a definite water hog (it needed a daily drink or it would sulk). However, this year it has really come in to its own, blooming almost continually with no sulking. She is BS prone in my garden, but she has responded favorably to organic spraying so far. During the recent culling of the roses in my garden, I just didn't have the heart to remove her, she's such a blooming machine! And such fantastically colored blooms! She does have a tendency to form vegetative centers this year, but not in all blooms. Growth is also uneven, with one large basal taller than the rest of the plant.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 2 SEP 09 by Katherine
I am looking to purchase the Circus Rose, and I am not having much luck. I live in Washington State.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 2 SEP 09 by HMF Admin
See the HOW DO I... button for instructions on finding source for this plant.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 2 SEP 09 by Karen
I am getting ready to do the yearly "culling of the roses." I also find myself setting new standards such as - do they respond to organic controls for blackspot. What organic sprays are you using? I have tried both Seranade and potassium carbonate and can't decide if either is worth the fuss.
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