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'Captain Bligh' rose Description

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Believed extinct or lost
HMF Ratings:
13 favorite votes.  
Medium pink Hybrid Tea.
Registration name: Captain Bligh
Exhibition name: Captain Bligh
Bred by Mrs. H.C. Fitzhardinge (1881-1956) (Australia, 1934).
Introduced in Australia by Hazlewood Bros. Pty. Ltd. in 1939 as 'Captain Bligh'.
Hybrid Tea.  
Pink.  Silvery rose, deeper towards base, darker center. Carmine reverse,.  Average diameter 4".  Large, full (26-40 petals), high-centered bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  Large, long, pointed buds.  
Upright.  Large, dark green, leathery foliage.  
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).  Blooms tend to ball in wet weather.  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
The parentage is reversed in the 1939 and 2007 references.

Captain William Bligh was born 9 September 1754 and died 6 December 1817. He was a seafarer and is probably best known as the Captain of HMS Bounty. On 28 April 1789, the crew of the Bounty put Captain Bligh in a boat and set him adrift. See 2012 Comment from Eric Timewell for more.
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