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'Rugosity' rose Description
'Rugosity' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Simon Voorwinde
HMF Ratings:
7 favorite votes.  
Deep pink Hybrid Rugosa.
Registration name: VOOgosa
Exhibition name: Rugosity
Bred by Simon Voorwinde (Australia, 2008).
Hybrid Rugosa.  
Fuchsia / magenta - purple.  Strong fragrance.  5 petals.  Average diameter 4".  Medium, double (17-25 petals), borne mostly solitary, cluster-flowered, in small clusters bloom form.  Long sepals buds.  
Tall, armed with thorns / prickles, bristly , bushy, sends out runners, upright, well-branched.  Medium, matte, light green, wrinkled (rugose) foliage.  7 to 9 leaflets.  

Height: 5'11" (180cm).  
Can be used for cut flower, garden, landscape, shrub or specimen.  Can be grown as a shrub.  prefers full sun.  produces decorative hips.  Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant, very blackspot resistant., very mildew resistant.  
Breeder's notes:
Nov. 5th 2011: 'Ann Endt' is reputed to be a foliolosa/rugosa hybrid. This seedling seems to have features of both. Leaves are soft to touch. Three years old now and about to flower for the first time.

Rugosity is a measure of small-scale variations or amplitude in the height of a surface.

Years ago, when I first ran into the RHA forum a piece of advice I got from Robert Rippetoe and Paul Barden was not to rush things and if I was interested in using a variety as a seed parent then I should grow the OP hips from it first to test germinability. I do this religiously now and whilst it adds a year or two (or three) to the process, the 'feel' it gives for how a rose will perform as a parent makes it worth while IMO.

Anyway, I bought 'Ann Endt' in 2008 and it didn't flower in its first year here. In 2009 it flowered and I collected OP hips. I sowed about 300 seeds and about 300 came up around October in 2009. Excellent germinability (if that's even a word)! They all looked the same and I knew it would be some time before they flowered thanks to the rugosa 'blood' in them so I thinned them down to just four of the strongest looking seedlings. I figured the number of bees that visit this rose almost guarantees all seedlings will be selfs and they would all be as good as clones of the mother. I certainly didn't need to raise 300 of the same thing when I had so many other things to give space and time to. Of the four, I sent two to good friend of mine on the mainland (NSW) in 2009 and they flowered for him in 2010. I kept the biggest and strongest two for myself. My firend's two turned out to be single pink ones (though their habit, thorniness and bark colour turned out to be different) which supported my theory on the selfing. It seemed to be throwing back to the foliolosa in it. Mine didn't flower for me in 2009 either and one of them died. The remaining one was in the ground growing nicely and then my chooks decided to tap-dance all over it, break it and bury it. I was sure it was lost. I forgot about it and then noticed in the spring of 2010 that it had shot from whatever stem was left below the ground and it started growing strongly. It grew into a bush about 60-70cm tall durnig 2010 but still no flowers. It went dormant and gave a good autumn show in 2011 and then began to grow super strongly in the current 2011 season and buds started to form. Without any word of a lie, these buds have taken WEEKS to develop and finally open... AND it's a double with amazing perfume and quite nice colour.

The bees love it as much as they love her mother and it produces loads of pollen. I have a good feeling this is going to play an important part in making better diploid shrubs... now to try and work out what diploids to put with it to improve the petal substance (and hence 'shelf life' of the flower) without losing all the cool rugosa features and health it has so far. I'm thinking 'Therese Bugnet' but her petals don't last any longer here than this ones petals do. There is a wonderful Australian bred hybrid rugosa called 'Anne Hall' that does brilliantly here and it is both ferile and floriferous. I think I will try to get these two together in the near future as 'Anne Hall's flowers last about a week on the bush in the hot weather we had in the summer of 2011-12.

By chance the only one that I think is a non-self made it through the culls and gifting process based on nothing except the foliage and vigour and it turned out to be a non-self in the process... I think that's pretty amazing :) I have a 'pet name' for this one... I call her 'Rugosity' :)
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Pollen parent was possibly 'Madame Isaac Periere'. Refer comments.
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