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'Splendens' rose Description
'<i>Rosa gallica splendens</i> (syn. Valarno-rose)' rose photo
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
47 favorite votes.  
Medium red.
Exhibition name: Splendens
Bred by Unknown (before 1583).
Gallica / Provins, Hybrid Pendulina, Turbinata.  
Red or crimson.  Moderate fragrance.  Medium, semi-double (9-16 petals) bloom form.  Once-blooming spring or summer.  

Height: 4'11" to 6' (150 to 185cm).  Width: up to 4' (up to 120cm).
USDA zone 4b through 8b.  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
There are different opinions whether 'R. gallica Splendens' is a synonym of R. francofurtana, or a type of R. francofurtana' - see. Marita Protte points out that 'R. gallica splendens' has a smooth calyx, while 'R. francofurtana' has bristles and gland in the lower part of the ovary. Rolf Sievers believes that 'R. gallica Splendens' is a Hybrid Pendulina and points out the form of the pendulina-like hips as well as the fact that his crossings with other Hybrid pendulinas have always resulted in very fruitful offspring.
Lloyd Brace of The Roseraie at Bayfields says this rose resembles R. gallica officinalis, but it's much taller and a bit deeper in color...
Hortico says the color of the double bloom is purple-red...
Anne-Marie, in Finland, says that this rose is known as 'Valamo-rose'. It is said to have originated in a cloister in Valamo (a city that used to be in Finland, but belongs to Russia now)...
According to a Norwegian study, 'Alika' is also said to be synonymous with 'Rosa gallica splendens'

[The Swedish Rose Society recommends Frankfurt for northern Sweden.]

'Francfort Rose' is a different rose to 'Frankfurt'.
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