Australia - Application No: 2007/279 on 2007
Canada - Patent No: 3432 on 30 Dec 2008
Application No: 05-5039 on 25 Aug 2005
Rights surrendered on April 18, 2013.
Denomination: 'Poulcs012'
Trade name: Chambord
'Poulcs012' originated from a cross between an unnamed seedling as the female parent and 'Poulsun' as the male parent. The cross was made in the summer of 1992 at Fredensborg, Denmark.
United States - Patent No: PP 16,143 on 6 Dec 2005
VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 10/812,698 on 29 Mar 2004
Inventors: Olesen; L. Pernille (Fredensborg, DK), Olesen; Mogens N. (Fredensborg, DK)
The present invention constitutes a new and distinct variety of garden rose plant which originated from a controlled crossing between the female seed parent, an unnamed seedling, and the male pollen parent `Poulsun`, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 9,716. The two parents were crossed during the summer of 1992