'Veilchenblau' rose Description
Photo courtesy of AmiRoses
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Mauve or mauve blend Hybrid Multiflora. Registration name: Veilchenblau (Rambler, Schmidt 1909)
Climber, Hybrid Multiflora, Polyantha, Cl., Rambler.
Violet, white streaks, stripes, flecks, white center, yellow stamens. Moderate, green apple, lily of the valley fragrance. Average diameter 1.5". Small to medium, semi-double (9-16 petals), cluster-flowered, in large clusters, cupped-to-flat bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer.
Tall, climbing, few or no prickles/thorns. Large, glossy, light green foliage.
Height: 10' to 20' (305 to 610cm). Width: up to 12' (up to 365cm).
USDA zone 4b and warmer. Can be used for garden, landscape or pillar. Hardy. vigorous. can be trained as a climber. shade tolerant.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Although most sources report the parentage of this rose as 'Crimson Rambler' x 'Erinnerung an Brod', Schmidt (the hybridizer) said "Veilchenblau is a direct seedling of the 'Crimson Rambler,' not cultivated by fructification with another kind" (reported in Franklin Clarkin, "The Quest of the Perfect Rose," Everybody's Magazine 24: 746-757 (1911)). Thanks to member Karl King for discovering this. 'Veilchenblau' ex Guillot is triploid - see Reference of 2002.