'Happy Jack' clematis Description
Photo courtesy of Hortusthirdmsu
Group 3, Late Large Flowered.
Purple, lighter center, red stripes. None / no fragrance. 4 to 5 petals. Average diameter 2.75". Small to medium, single bloom form. Early summer to early autumn.
Height: 6'7" to 8'2" (200 to 250cm).
United States - Patent No: PP 20,343 on 22 Sep 2009 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 12/228,016 on 8 Aug 2008 Inventors: Snoeijer; Wim (2801 TX Gouda, NL)
`Zojapur` was selected in summer of 2003 and arose from a controlled cross made in 1999 between the female parent, Clematis `Mrs. George Jackman` (not patented) and the male parent, Clematis `Walenburg` (not patented).