Photo courtesy of Sue Taylor
Group 3, Texensis-Viorna Group.
Violet-red, violet reverse, cream anthers. up to 4 petals. Average diameter 2". Small, single, tulip-shaped bloom form. Early summer to early autumn.
Height: 4'11" to 6'7" (150 to 200cm).
United States - Patent No: PP 31,350 on 14 Jan 2020 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 15/998,141 on 9 Jul 2018 Inventors: van Zoest; Jan (Boskoop, NL)
The goal of the selection was to select a new cultivar of Clematis with tulip-shaped flowers with unique flower coloration. `Zo08171` was selected in 2008 and arose from a controlled cross made in 2006 between unnamed and unpatented plants from his breeding program; the female parent designated as No. 19960253 and the male parent designated as No. 19970052.