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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Fifty Favourite Roses
(1995)  Page(s) 51.  
One of the healthiest roses in the author's garden is the Harkness yellow floribunda 'Princess Michael of Kent' which has flowers almost of hybrid tea size...
(1995)  Page(s) 110-112.  Includes photo(s).
Description. One of his fifty favorite roses. Parentage: 'Charlotte Armstrong' (a red Hybrid Tea) x 'Floradora' (a red Floribunda). One of the world's greatest roses. A grandiflora in the US, a floribunda in the UK. Very tall and upright, it can exceed 8 feet, with its flowers mainly very high up. It can be restrained to some extent and persuaded to bush out more by what might be called differential pruning. Do not, in other words, treat all the shoots with equal severity, but cut back a few hard each year and others less drastically. Blooms are carried sometime singly but more often in sizable trusses. Not fragrant.

Photo page 265
(1995)  Page(s) 48.  
Radox Bouquet was named after a bath salt
(1995)  Page(s) 77-78.  
R. foetida, and through it the 'Persian Yellow', proved in the climate of the West to be a martyr to black spot which, although known to exist, [had] not been a particular problem for European gardeners. The Persian rose passed on this particular weakness to all its progeny and, as the early Pernet-Ducher roses were crossed by other breeders with practically every rose they could find, in the hope of a winner to match the success of 'Rayon d'Or', black spot was spread far and wide and is now to be found in roses of every hue... many of [R. foetida's] descendants have tended to be not very robust and to suffer from die-back... Since the introduction of 'Rayon d'Or' a multitude of yellow roses has been produced with greater or lesser claims to perfection from their breeders but, until the coming of the floribunda 'Allgold' from the Norfolk breeder Edward Le Grice in 1956, no rose had really overcome all the drawbacks that the use of R. foetida had brought...
(1995)  Page(s) 34.  
Description... Probably a Gallica Hybrid -- one of its parents was 'Alika'...
(1995)  Page(s) 51.  
Sir Lancelot has a very pleasing orange colour, but is also prone to black spot...
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