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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Florist, Fruitist and Garden Miscellany
(Oct 1854)  Page(s) 291.  
The Roses of 1854.
It is long since we have had any new and good Noisette Roses; but this season a new variety called Augusta has been sent from America, which has bloomed in great perfection; it is of the race of Solfaterre, and resembles it closely in habit; its flowers are, however, more double and globular, remarkably elegant in shape, and in the centre of its flower it is a little deeper in colour.
Sawbridgeworth, Herts, Thomas Rivers.
(Dec 1856)  Page(s) 361.  
New Roses. by William Paul. Nurseries, Cheshunt, Herts.
The Hybrid Perpetuals are, as usual, in the ascendant...
Bacchus (Paul) is another of the same race [Geant des Batailles]; the flowers are far brighter than the Geant, large, full, and produced in great abundance, both in summer and autumn; this Rose, on account of the brilliancy of its colour and profuseness of its flowering, should be in every collection.
(Aug 1854)  Page(s) 229.  
"On Town Roses" by G. Paul.
I shall now offer a list of 100 sorts, which I believe best suited for town gardening, having seen them at various times flourishing around London and the great manufacturing towns in the United Kingdom.
Summer Roses.
The Evergreen Rose.
Banksiæflora...white, centre yellowish
(1857)  Page(s) vol 10, p. 186.  
W. F. Radcliffe. Rector of Rushton, Blandford, Dorset.
Heckeren is distinct, very large, and ill-formed in petal. It looks like four ears of elephants, and is hollow.
(Aug 1854)  Page(s) 228.  
"On Town Roses" by G. Paul.
I shall now offer a list of 100 sorts, which I believe best suited for town gardening, having seen them at various times flourishing around London and the great manufacturing towns in the United Kingdom.
Summer Roses.
The French Rose.
Belle Rosine...large deep pink
(Aug 1854)  Page(s) 229.  
"On Town Roses" by G. Paul.
I shall now offer a list of 100 sorts, which I believe best suited for town gardening, having seen them at various times flourishing around London and the great manufacturing towns in the United Kingdom.
Summer Roses.
The Hybrid Chinese.
Blairii No. 2...rosy blush, very large
(Dec 1860)  Page(s) 373.  
The President's Lecture. By S.R. Hole.
I must not, however, defer, or the time of planting Roses will be past, to give, in compliance with another request, a list of twenty-four Roses which seem to me, when shown in their most perfect state, to be the most beautiful of all- of all, I mean, which I have myself proved.
Twenty-four Select Roses.
Noisette, Cloth of Gold.
Teas, Adam, Devoniensis, Gloire de Dijon.
Gallica, Boula de Nanteuil.
Hybrid Bourbons, Coupe d'Hebe, Charles Lawson, Paul Ricaut.
Hybrid Perpetuals, Comtesse Cecile de Chabrillant, Anna de Diesbach, Comte de Nanteuil, General Jacqueminot, Jules Margottin, La Reine, Louis Peyronney, Madame Masson, Madame Hector Jacquin, Mrs. Rivers, Madame Vidot, Prince Leon, Lord Raglan, Triomphe de Paris, Victor Trouillard, William Griffiths.
(Aug 1854)  Page(s) 229.  
"On Town Roses" by G. Paul.
I shall now offer a list of 100 sorts, which I believe best suited for town gardening, having seen them at various times flourishing around London and the great manufacturing towns in the United Kingdom.
Summer Roses.
The Hybrid Chinese.
Brennus...light carmine
(Sep 1853)  Page(s) 203.  
Memoranda from Kew.
Some of the more interesting summer-flowering things are the several kinds of Clematis, a tribe of plants with which most cultivators are familiar, as few gardens are to be found that do not possess some of them. [...]
The following are the best kinds, all hardy, and easily procurable at a trifling expense:
Clematis campaniflora.  This is a neat-looking and rather pretty flowering kind.  The flowers are smallish, bell-shaped, and light-coloured, tinged with blue.  It is a native of Spain.
(Sep 1853)  Page(s) 204.  
Memoranda from Kew.
Some of the more interesting summer-flowering things are the several kinds of Clematis, a tribe of plants with which most cultivators are familiar, as few gardens are to be found that do not possess some of them. [...]
The following are the best kinds, all hardy, and easily procurable at a trifling expense:
Clematis florida, flore-pleno.  A beautiful variety, with double flowers of a creamy white, two inches and a half in diameter.
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