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The Florist and Pomologist
(Jan 1869)  Page(s) 9.  
The New Roses of 1867 by William Paul.
Aristide Dupuis (H.P.) was one of the first to unfold its blossoms, the quality of which is excellent; the ground colour is slate, flamed with scarlet; the flowers large, full, of good form, and produced in abundance. The habit is vigorous and good.
(Jan 1868)  Page(s) 4.  
New Roses.
Having grown nearly all tho New Roses sent from France in the autumn of 1866, I think that I may venture to select and describe twenty-four sorts as likely to prove worthy of being added to the most limited collection.
Aspasie, Hybrid Perpetual.: flowers clear rosy red, with deeper-coloured centre, of large size and full; growth vigorous.
Paul's Nurseries, Waltham Cross, N. William Paul.
(Nov 1881)  Page(s) 168.  
Some three or four years ago, Mr. Noble exhibited several other crosses, many of which appear to partake of the blood of C. florida, but nothing more has been seen of them till this year, when a group was exhibited at South Kensing ton, which showed that some of them, at least, are destined to secure a share of the public favour. In one of them, the property of fragrance appears to be more fully developed than had been previously noticed. We append a few notes on the several varieties :
AURORA. This is an unusually free bloomer, the flowers double, of a reddish-violet colour.
(1848)  Page(s) 3, Vol 1.  

Banksiaeflora, with very double flowers, pure white, the centre of each bloom pale yellow or straw-colour.
(Apr 1863)  Page(s) 43.  
New Roses of 1863.
Vilmorin, Andrieux, et Cie. have kindly sent me the raisers' account of twenty-four new Roses, which will raise the aspirations and expectations of rosarians. They are all marked as vigorous or very vigorous except two.
Rosiers, Hybrides Remontants. Baron Adolphe de Rothchilde [sic] (Guillot fils), very vig.; large, full, good form, dark red carmine, shaded with violet.

NB: The description and breeder belong to 'Baron de Rothschild', not 'Baron Adolphe de Rothschild'.
(Jan 1869)  Page(s) 9.  
The New Roses of 1867 by William Paul.
Baron Haussmann (H.P.) which must not be confounded with Baronne Haussmann, is a good rose; the colour bright red, the flowers large, full, and of fine form. The growth is vigorous.
The new Rose, Madame la Baronne de Rothschild, which was last season considered as " the " Rose of the year, has this season confirmed the opinion previously formed of it, and may be considered the best flower of its colour in cultivation .
(Jan 1869)  Page(s) 9.  
The New Roses of 1867 by William Paul.
Madame la Baronne de Rothschild (H.P.) is a first-class novelty, as many will remember who may have seen the plant and flowers exhibited by me at Kensington last spring. I saw this rose with the raiser in the summer of last year, and marked it the best seedling of the year; it has bloomed freely here since then, and quite supports that character. The flowers are very large, almost full, of a beautiful pale pink or rose colour, shaded with white; the habit is good, and the growth vigorous.
(Apr 1868)  
The Roses at South Kensington, April 18th.
Of the novelties of 1867 I saw but one, Madame la Baronne de Rothschild, and this was really new- new in colour, new in character, and promising to be one of the grandest of recent Roses. The colour is a delicate soft rose, shaded with white, the petals are large, thick, smooth, and beautifully rounded, and the flower very large. I saw this Rose with the grower at Lyons last year, and marked it as the best I had seen on that journey.
(Apr 1863)  Page(s) 43.  
New Roses of 1863.
Vilmorin, Andrieux, et Cie. have kindly sent me the raisers' account of twenty-four new Roses, which will raise the aspirations and expectations of rosarians. They are all marked as vigorous or very vigorous except two.
Rosiers, Hybrides Remontants. Baronne de Lassus de St. Genies (Granger), vig.; foliage glaucous green, flowers medium or large, globed, beautiful cherry red shaded with purple; form perfect.
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