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Rose and peony (retail and wholesale) Nursery
Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Parko 45-58 Panevezys 5300 Lithuania
peonynursery.com is a family owned nursery located near the Lithuanian city of Panevezys, in the eastern part of Europe. Their love of peonies developed when the fall of the Soviet Union opened up borders to Dutch plantsmen who recruited growers to provide them with additional root stock for their worldwide peony flower market. Having previously been growing tulips for our local market, it was an easy transition and one they are expanding on yearly. peonynursery.com's tree peonies are 5-7 years old. They have been crossbreeding tree peonies for a number years and are excited about some crosses that they hope to introduce in the near future. Their interest in native species peonies has brought them some very interesting varieties from Siberia to the Caucasus, that they think are highly under utilized. They feel these are as beautiful and noteworthy as many of the common peonies and should be enjoyed by more gardeners.