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Rose (retail and mail order) Nursery Owned by Ruth Pratt.
Listing last updated on Thu Mar 2025
Catalog: Printed and Online.
45 Chamberlain St. PO Box 159 Motueka, Tasman 7143 New Zealand
64-3-528-7449 [Information] 64-3-528-7449 [Fax]
Tasman Bay Roses established its rose farm, which specializes in growing over 900 Old-Fashioned Roses, Shrub Roses, Hybrid Tea and Floribunda Roses, and Climbers, in 1966. Their display garden is open to the public from October throught March (admission is free). The garden covers almost three acres and contains 1800 different rose cultivars. Owner Ben Pratt died on September 20, 2022.
1982 New Zealand Rose Annual p66. The founder and owner of Tasman Bay Roses, Mr. Nigel Pratt, came to Motueka in 1965.....