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Brundrett's The Rose People

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Rose (closed, reference only) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Brundrett Road
Narre Warren North, Victoria
03-9796-8305  [Information]
Brundrett, The Rose People, was probably Australia's oldest established rose nursery, having formed in 1893. It closed its doors in 2000.

2002 The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens
p110. Samuel Brundrett (1867-1940) nursery proprietor and rosarian, migrated to Australia c1888 from Manchester, England, with family members. After work as a jobbing gardener he started a nursery at Moonee Ponds (Vic.) In 1893, rapidly assuming a position of authority among Victorian rosarians and subsequently becoming one of Australia’s leading commercial growers. He was a founding member of the National Rose Society of Victoria, a successful exhibitor, and a keen promoter of Australian-bred roses, including those of Alister Clark.....

1993 The Australian Gardening Journal Vol 12, No. 3.
p151. S. Brundrett and Sons. 100 Years of Rose Growing.
Sam Brundrett emigrated to Australia with his widowed mother, three brothers and two sisters, from Lancashire in the 1880s. Three of the brothers became involved in horticulture. Alf was for a time in charge of the gardens at Dame Nellie Melba’s Coombe Cottage at Coldstream, near Lilydale. John was in charge of nursery production at the State Schools Nursery at Hughesdale, in Melbourne while Sam started as a jobbing gardener and grew seedlings and plants in the backyard of the family home. The turning point came in 1893 when Sam began to specialise in roses....
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