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'Michel Bonnet' rose References
Book  (1882)  Page(s) 6.  
Catherine Guillot... Variété recommandée pour l'ornement des jardins. Ile-Bourbon. Guillot père. 1860 Pourpre rosé. Fleur grande. Plante vigoureuse.
Book  (1882)  Page(s) 28.  
Michel Bonnet... Variété recommandée pour l'ornement des jardins. Ile-Bourbon. Guillot père. 1864 Rose vif. Fleur moyenne. Plante vigoureuse.
Magazine  (Sep 1878)  Page(s) 207.  
The Hybrid Bourbon (Rosa Bourboniana hybrida) is a splendid class, and embraces many fine flowers.  It originated from the Bourbon, which is itself supposed to be a hybrid.  They differ from the Hybrid China in having more substance in the leaves and flowers.  In the following selection will be found the leading varieties:
Catherine Guillot — Flowers deep rose, shading to lilac, large and fine.
Magazine  (Jul 1875)  Page(s) 112.  
Roses Ile-Bourbon : peu odorantes, à l'exception des variétés légèrement hybridées, telles que: Louise Odier, Catherine Guillot, Révérend H. Dombrain, etc.
Magazine  (13 May 1875)  Page(s) 346.  
Synonymes (Teas), 1, Belle de Bordeaux, or Gloire de Bordeaux; 2, Bougère, or Clotilde; 3, Clara Sylvain, or Lady Warrender, or Madame Bureau; 4, Madame Maurin, or Adèle Pradel, or Madame Denis; 5, Madame Bravy, or Alba rosea; 6, Souvenir d'un Ami, or Queen Victoria; 7, Celine Forestier, or Liesis; 8, Le Pactole, or Madame de Challonge; 9, Madame Deslongchamps, or Adelaide Pavie; 10, Narcisse, or Enfant de Lyon; 11, Catherine Guillot, or Michel Bonnet; 12, Louise Odier, or Madame de Stella; 13, Modèle de Perfection, or Celine Gonod; 14, Auguste Mie, or Madame Rival; 15, Le Lion des Combats, or Beaute Francaise; 16, Louise Peyronny, or Laelia; 17, Madame Masson, or Gloire de Chatillon. These, in my opinion, should not have gone out; I will buy either on their own roots—say twenty plants. 18, Maurice Bernardin, or Exposition de Brie, or Ferdinand de Lesseps, or Augnete Neumann (I see no difference here); 19, Sénatéur Favre, or Puebla, or François Fontaine; 20, Sophie Coquerelle, or Julie de St. Aignant; 21, Virginal, or Madame Liabaud; 22, Madame Campbell d'Islay, or Triomphe de Valenciennes. —W. F. Radclyffe.
Website/Catalog  (1873)  Page(s) 41.  
Bourbon Perpetuals
Catherine Guillot  deep pink, perfect form, free bloomer.
Book  (1871)  Page(s) 349.  
Bourbon Roses...are deficient generally in shape and fragrance, but brilliant in colour....Several of these, such as Souvenir de la Malmaison, Victor Emmanuel, Madame Comtesse, Modèle de Perfection, Catherine Guillot, &c., have also a good form
Article (misc)  (1868)  Page(s) 21.  
Rosiers remontants.
Rosiers Ile-Bourbon.—...Michel Bonnet...
Magazine  (23 Mar 1867)  Page(s) 121.  
"Roses and the frost at Stamford" by Charles Laxton
During the nights of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of January my thermometer registered here, in a walled garden at five feet from the ground, and in the open, 23°, 21°, 22°, and 22° of frost respectively... The snow here froze on the branches, and was three inches deep on the ground.... My list of uninjured (No. 1) may therefore be relied upon as containing only thoroughly hardy sorts.
Hybrid Perpetuals
Catherine Guillot
Book  (1866)  Page(s) 208.  
Bourbon Roses.
Catherine Guillot, bright rosy-pink, compact, and first-rate.
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