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'John F. Kennedy' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 71-551
most recent 10 MAY 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 MAY 13 by dyezyn
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Discussion id : 64-762
most recent 20 MAR 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 1 JUN 12 by monimoni
I had an unknown rose that was nearly killed by grubbs in my first go around with roses. Now i know its JFK, i had thrown it and another unknown(intrigue) into the trash and my husband got them out and planted both together in the same hole,urghh! I never thought about seperating them early on because i really thought they would both die. This season both have taken off, but they look like one bush, how do i seperate them? They are so interlocked im afraid i will do lots of damage, can the two of them stay growing together in the same hole?
Reply #1 of 4 posted 19 MAR 13 by goncmg
Monica, never saw this post until today---how did the 2-in-1 rose situation end up?
Reply #2 of 4 posted 19 MAR 13 by monimoni
hi, Goncmg, I tried to seperate them, but they are fused together, i didnt know if i should just cut them to break them apart or leave them be, they give lots of blooms and have alot of space around them on both sides, so at this point i have no idea what to do with them. Any ideas?
Reply #3 of 4 posted 19 MAR 13 by goncmg
I have to admit I have never encountered this predicment before! They stayed healthy? They have space? You like the effect? I say let them be. Trying to break them apart mightdo damage and there really is no reason why, with adequate space, they couldn't grow as one happy family. That is quite a backstory about how they ended up that way. Sounds like it was meant to be for these 2. Sometimes as gardeners I think we tend to over-think things from time to time. If a plant is healthy, if a plant (or plants!) is doing well, then I think that is all there is! Distrubing these 2 might upset their symbiotic relationship. Leave'em be. TAKE SOME PICS FOR US! Think spring....I am here in Columbus....seems so far away still with these temps!
Reply #4 of 4 posted 20 MAR 13 by monimoni
indeed goncmg, spring is slowly taking its time, yes both JFK and Intrigue seem to be doing fine together, i was very worried, for one thing, they were not suppose to survive at all and now for them to grow together is weird. I had wanted to seperate them because JFK doesnt like that much water and intrigue likes alot of water, but they bloom their little heads off, and in the front garden they get over 8hrs sun daily. I will do as you advise, i will not over think it anymore, you have set my mind atease. I take pics of these two when they bloom. Thank you for your help.
Discussion id : 52-370
most recent 18 FEB 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 FEB 11 by Penelope
I just bought two of these. Can anyone advise on how much space to give them?
Discussion id : 38-509
most recent 8 AUG 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 AUG 09 by monimoni
I had seen a JFK in my local nursery, didnot know anything about it, so I ran home got on (HELP ME FIND) to get as much info as possible, (i never purchase a rose for either of my gardens without HMF)!!! Went back and purchased it. Iam glad i did. Purchased as a bareroot, this rose has performed with the hughes of blooms faster than any other rose in my garden of 68!!! Usual growing habits of my other bareroots were smaller size roses, which in time as the plant grow larger, as did the blooms. But JFK put out these 5'' blooms immediately!! I vased it and it last for well over a week. I call it my big fluffy white rose. I reminds you of an expensive feathered pillow, a Presidential Prince among roses!!!
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