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'Admiral Dewey' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 80-124
most recent 24 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 AUG 14 by CybeRose
Peter Henderson & Co. 1900

A new Hybrid Tea Rose raised by Mr. J. H. Taylor, one of the largest growers of Roses for the New York market. It is of the largest size, very free flowering, blooming continuously throughout the year, whether planted out in the open ground or grown in pots or on benches in tire greenhouse. It has been tried in the open ground and has been proved hardy in the vicinity of New York. Thousands of it are grown in greenhouses for the critical New York market, where it has been enthusiastically received by connoisseurs in fine Roses. The ground color is a light flesh tint, almost white, suffused with a beautiful blush, deepening to a rosy blush in the centre, a large, full Rose with broad, strong petals beautifully cupped. The stems are strong and straight, holding the flowers erect. The raiser thought so highly of it that he deemed it worthy of being named in honor of America's great Admiral, and received a letter of thanks from Admiral Dewey for naming such a beautiful Rose in his honor. We were so impressed with its beauty and excellence that we purchased a large stock of it, and offer it very low for such a grand new Rose. We show it on the front cover of our catalogue, in the "Admiral" Collection on the Colored Plate opposite, and show it in a group of flowers or, page 125.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 24 AUG 14 by Margaret Furness
I love the things that spell-checkers let through - a beautiful Ruse in his horror?
But thank you for all your contributions.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 24 AUG 14 by CybeRose
Oops! But I'm the spell checker.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 24 AUG 14 by Margaret Furness
It happens!
Discussion id : 74-280
most recent 28 SEP 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 SEP 13 by Mariano R. Saviello
Any comments? Thanks a lot in advance for your contributions!
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