'Rosa multiflora nana perpetua 'Garden Party'' rose Description
Photo courtesy of HonzaPM
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Hybrid Multiflora, Polyantha.
Light pink and white, pink undertones. Strong fragrance. Small, semi-double to double, cluster-flowered bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Height: 1' to 3' (30 to 90cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
"A class of dwarf everblooming diminutive roses, easily grown from seed; blooming when two or three inches high. The leaves are quite small and the little flowers are borne in large clusters, double and single, white, pink, and red; one-half to one inch in diameter, and resemble fruit blossoms. Exquisitely dainty and pretty, followed by bright red hips or berries, which should be cut away if continual flowering is desired. 10 c pkt"
Offered in catalogs for many decades, it's quite possible these probable multiflora hybrids could well be some of the "found" roses we attempt to identify. It's also quite likely these were much the same as the plant used by Ralph Moore to create his Fair Molly, which he raised from "Fairy Rose" or "Baby Rose" seed obtained through catalogs.