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'Fabvier' rose References
Book  (1858)  Page(s) 57.  
China Roses.
The everblooming habit of this class makes it a favorite with all. They are perfectly hardy, Summer and Winter, and require but little care to bloom abundantly; though they richly repay a proper degree of care and attention.
46. Fabvier—scarlet, a most brilliant and attractive semi-double rose; very desirable from its bright color.
All of this class form the most beautiful and brilliant beds or groups on the lawn; one color only being planted in a bed. Agrippina makes a most showy division hedge, and with care would make a very perfect fence. Abbe Maillard, Fabvier, Nemesis and Prince Charles may all be grown in the same way.
They require little more in the way of pruning than to cut out the weak sprays, and shorten back the stronger shoots to induce a growth of new wood, which bears the flowers.
Book  (1858)  Page(s) 292.  
Hybrid chinas. Colonel Fabvier, large, full, beautiful pink, flat cup form.
Magazine  (1858)  Page(s) 410.  
Fabvier, bright purple-red, velvety...
Website/Catalog  (1857)  Page(s) 16.  
No. 42. Madame Fabvier fiery crimson
Book  (1854)  Page(s) 272-273.  
Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are, 1) on Chinas proper: ...Fabvier...
Book  (1854)  Page(s) 267.  
Viel bedeutendere Resultate hatte schon damals Laffay in Auteuil erzielt, davon aber vorläufig nur die wenigsten in den Handel gegeben, als Etna, Vėsuve, Belle Elise, Fakir, Reine de Golconde, Coquette, Princesse Charlotte, Thémis, Modeste, Belle Gabrielle, Roi de Siam, Fabvier, Duc de Gramont, Darius, Belle Hélène, Molière, Miss Compton, von Noisetten Appolonie, Belle-Fontange, Chérie, endlich auch die aus Samen gezogene Ile-Bourbons, Faustine, Carné, à Fleurs pleines, die doch weit übertroffen durch die der nämlichen Classe angehörende Rose Neumann oder du Breuil.

Laffay had already achieved much more important results in Auteuil at that time, but for the time being only a few of them were commercially available, such as Etna, Vėsuve, Belle Elise, Fakir, Reine de Golconde, Coquette, Princesse Charlotte, Thémis, Modeste, Belle Gabrielle, Roi de Siam, Fabvier, Duc de Gramont, Darius, Belle Hélène, Molière, Miss Compton, von Noisetten Appolonie, Belle-Fontange, Chérie, finally also the seed-grown Ile-Bourbons, Faustine, Carné, à Fleurs pleines, which are far surpassed by Rose Neumann or du Breuil, belonging to the same class.
Website/Catalog  (1851)  
36.  Madame Fabvier, fiery crimson.
Magazine  (1851)  Page(s) 109.  
Chinas...Fabvier, striped crimson...
Magazine  (Jan 1848)  Page(s) insert.  
Prijscourant van Rozen, van J. F. Bruynzeels, Bloemist te Prinsenhage (Provincie Noord-Braband).
Op de Bloemententoonstelling den 23 Julij 1847 te Dordrecht gehouden, werd mijne verzameling Rozen bekroond. Door de groote zorg , welke ik besteed aan dit voorzeker het schoonste der bloemengeslachten, vlei ik mij dat de aflevering nan de verwachting mijner begunstigers zal beantwoorden. De onderstaande, eenige uitgezonderd, worden afgeleverd tegen f 0,50 Cts. het stuk....Bengaal-Rozen.... Fabvier.

Price list of Roses, from J. F. Bruynzeels, Florist in Prinsenhage (Province of North Braband). At the Flower Exhibition held in Dordrecht on July 23, 1847, my collection of Roses was awarded. Due to the great care I pay to this certainly the most beautiful of flower genera, I am flattered that the delivery will meet the expectations of my supporters. The following, with some exceptions, are delivered at 0.50 Cts. the piece....China Roses....  Fabvier.
Book  (1848)  Page(s) 244.  
China. Fabvier, scarlet, semi-double.
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