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'My Granny' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 21-499
most recent 7 MAR 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 SEP 07 by JoyToTheWorld
I have a "my granny "(standard) rose. It is giving me a hard time because instead of the beautiful pink expected of it, it has given me small white blooms. What is this rose lacking and how can I rectify the problem?
Reply #1 of 5 posted 20 SEP 07 by Cass
Hi, JoyToTheWorld,
I grow this rose under the name The Faun. The blooms are pink fading to white. The blooms are not especially small. I garden in Northern California in the wine country with cool evenings. Could you tell us where you are located and how hot your garden is? Extreme heat is the most likely cause of small, bleached blooms.

Standards (rose trees) can suffer from sunburn on the trunk. I have only one standard now, but I do keep the "trunk" painted with a special paint to protect from sunburn. I use a product called Doc Farwell's Tree Paint. I use a light green.

I'll post some closeups of the blooms over the next few weeks, so you can check the form of the flower. It's a terrific rose.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 20 SEP 07 by JoyToTheWorld
Hie Cass
Thanks a million for your reply. It is great to hear from a fellow gardener. I , however am a beginner but enjoy this tremendously.

My garden is in Zimbabwe ( Southern Africa). Actually the rose is exposed to full sun.

I am looking forward to the closeups of your roses
Reply #3 of 5 posted 26 SEP 07 by Cass
Hello, JoyToTheWorld,
I'm taken some closeup shots of "Granny" which is sold here at The Faun. These are somewhat large images of almost 200 KB, too large for HFM.

I suggest you carefully examine both the bloom and the leaves of your plant to see if they are the same.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 7 MAR 09 by Jeff Britt
Do you still have The Faun growing in your garden? If so, could you comment on the amount and frequency of the reblooming? Your picture in May looks great, and it would be wonderful if it rebloomed regularly and nearly as well as it looks on it's first bloom.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 7 MAR 09 by Cass
Hi, Jeff. The Faun reblooms with great regularity all summer long, in the manner of polyanthas. But like every rose I have ever grown, it never produces repeat bloom with the profusion of the spring flush.
Discussion id : 17-808
most recent 6 APR 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 APR 07 by Unregistered Guest
This rose performs wonderfully in a partly shaded location -- healthy foliage, quick repeat of lovely flowers. It is also very accepting of pot culture. Why do so few vendors offer it? As far as I know, only Sequoia carries it.

For someone like me, who only has a half day of sunlight in the sunniest part of my yard, this rose is a treasure. This year, in one of the worst winters I have ever seen (it got very warm for an extended period in December and made all of the roses send out spring growth), this rose suffered the least damage. The flowers have no scent, but no rose has everything, and sometimes I am glad for flowers that have no scent. When they're cut and put in a vase in the house, the really fragrant ones can get overpowering at times.
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