'AROmikeh' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Nick23
Red. Moss or woody fragrance. 20 petals. Average diameter 1.5". Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Height: 15" to 18" (40 to 45cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.
United States - Patent No: PP 5,672 on 25 Feb 1986 VIEW USPTO PATENTA dwarf bush rose of the hybrid miniature moss rose class. The plant
produces an abundance of brightly colored red flowers displayed well above
the foliage, and drops the flower petals cleanly before they fade with
age. The buds are long, pointed, and well-formed, unusual among moss
roses. The moderately "mossed" sepals provide a sweet muscosa rose
fragrance in the bud stage. The plant has a low, rounded, compact habit
with an abundance of glossy, deep green foliage which attractively clothes
the entire plant.
Inventors: |
Christensen; Jack E. (Ontario, CA) | Assignee: |
Armstrong Nurseries, Inc.