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'Augustine Mouchelet' rose References
Book  (1851)  Page(s) 15.  
Ducher .... Hybrides .... Augustine
Magazine  (Dec 1849)  Page(s) 315.  
"Superb Roses".
We scarcely need remark that all the best sorts of Roses are exhibited in competition at the London Floral Shows. From them we made selections of the very best, and also in looking over the collections in the principal Rose nurseries. We can strongly recommend to our readers the kinds we enumerate...
Perpetuals. Augustine Mouchelot [sic], rich vivid crimson.
The above will usually bloom from June to the end of November.
Website/Catalog  (1848)  Page(s) 79.  
Hybrid perpetuals...Augustine Mouchelet
Magazine  (1848)  Page(s) 268.  
We have a few more "Stray Thoughts on Roses," by Mr. Rivers [in "The Florist"], which are very interesting..... He observes, the real lover of roses, instead, therefore, of planting a bed of unknown novelties, should select those which have been proved; and he gives the following hybrid perpetuals as really good, and plants of which may now be obtained at a moderate price:—
2. Augustine Mouchelet.- Very brilliant in dry weather, habit more robust than No. 1 [Aubernon].
Website/Catalog  (1847)  Page(s) 36.  
Hybrides perpétuelles.
Augustine Mouchelet, fleur moyenne, très pleine, rose violacé...2 fr.
Website/Catalog  (1847)  Page(s) 85.  
Rosiers Hybrides Remontants. 
§ 2. Variétés ayant des rapports aux hybrides de Bengale par leurs bois et feuillage, et aux portlands par leurs ovaires.
**Augustine Mouchelet (greffé), fleur moyenne, très pleine, rose violacé...2 fr.

**Sont ceux dont quelques rameaux seulement donnent ordinairement des fleurs de seconde saison.
Book  (1847)  Page(s) 242.  
Augustine Mouchelet is a beautiful and desirable variety. Its color is a rich velvety crimson, slightly shaded, and much resembling La Reine. As a forcing rose it is not surpassed by any in this class, and, under our glass, has scarcely been equaled the past two seasons. It has all the fragrance of the Damask Rose, opens well, and blooms abundantly. In the open ground, however, it is not equal to some other varieties.
Website/Catalog  (1846)  Page(s) 10.  
Portlands et Hybrides, à fleurs perpétuelles.
Augustine Mouchelet...Rose vif, centre carminé...1 50 fr.
Book  (1846)  Page(s) 20.  
Hybrid Perpetuals....Augustine Mauchelet, very beautiful, some fragrance. Bluish pink, center fiery carmine-red, 2 inches wide, double, fine form.
Magazine  (1844)  Page(s) 155.  
List of Exhibitors of September 11-15, 1844, in the Hôtel-de-Ville of Versailles:
Mr. Truffaut fils, nurseryman, rue des Chantiers, 34...Hybrid perpetuals...Augustine Mouchelay...
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