'DELstrorange' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Henrique Rodrigues Vivián
Florists Rose, Hybrid Tea, Shrub.
Pink blend, stripes. 40 to 48 petals. Average diameter 4". Borne mostly solitary bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.
United States - Patent No: PP 10,631 on 6 Oct 1998 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication on 14 Feb 1997 Delstrorange is the varietal denomination. This rose is a sport of DELstrobla and was discovered in June 1994 growing among plants of DELstrobla in a greenhouse in Hyeres, France. Double flowers are pink striped with white. Flowers generally appear one per stem under greenhouse conditions.