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'Rosa corymbulosa Rolfe' rose References
Article (newsletter)  (Nov 2017)  Page(s) 17.  
Also from the Hupeh province and from Shensi, R. corymbulosa is a species Wilson introduced in 1907. Nearly spineless, it puts forth small, deep lilac-pink blossoms that are paler near the center and leaves that are glaucous and downy underneath until autumn when they become wine-purple. The canes are smooth, the stipules and receptacles are glandular, the latter turning coral-red as hips. Jack Harkness classified it as a true R. cinnamomea, and related to R. davidii. The Latin name refers, of course, to the flat-topped cluster of flowers whose pedicels each emerge from various points of the peduncle or main stem, an arrangement known as a corymb.
Article (magazine)  (2007)  Page(s) 370, fig. 1.  
R. corymbulosa typical ploidy 2x
Book  (May 2003)  
Rosa corymbulosa Rolfe
Shrubs small, 1.3-2 m tall. Branchlets...glabrous, prickles absent or sparse. Leaves..margin glandular-pubescent; leaflets 3-5, rarely 7...Flowers numerous, in corymb, rarely solitary, 2-2.5 cm in diam;...Petals 5, red, white at base...Hip bright-red, globose or ovoid...with persistent, erect sepals.
Website/Catalog  (1986)  Page(s) 33.  
R. Corymbulosa....(Temporarily out of stock). 
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 106.  
Rosa corymbulosa /Rosa coruymbulosa Rolfe = Chine occidentale, introduit en 1908… Feuilles: 3 ou 5 folioles, ovales allongées, long 2 à 4cm, pointues, bords à dents doubles. Fleurs: 2 à 2,5cm de diamètre. Inflorescences corymbiformes (fausses ombelles)… Ce curieux rosier dresse ses tiges le plus souvent, mais il lui arrive de les coucher; s’il a ce port, on peut alors le palisser… inerme ou bien munies d’aiguillons droits peu nombreux et grêles. De juin à juillet, les fleurs, vraiment petites, rouges avec le centre blanc, déploient une abondance surprenante. Le feuillage, vert velonté sur l’avers, a les revers bleutés et velus. En automne, il s’empourpre, agrémenté par la présence des fruits presque ronds, à peine allongés, et rouge écarlate.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 32.  

R. corymbulosa  Corymbs of dense flowers of reddish pink with pronounced, white edges. 1908  Shade tolerant.  (S) 6 x 4’.

Book  (1981)  Page(s) 79.  
R. corymbulosa Rolfe
..shrub up to 6 ft high; young shoots not downy, becoming brown with age, usually unarmed...Leaves 2 to 5 in. long,..three or five leaflets. Leaflets ovate-oblong...dark green above, glaucous and downy benearth. Stipules edged with tiny glands. Flowers corymbs of up to a dozen blossoms, each ¾ to 1 in across...Petals inversely heart-shaped, deep rose-pink, paling towards the base; anthers golden yellow. Fruits globose...
Native of China, in the province of Hupeh...introduced to cultivation by Wilson in 1907....pretty...distinct in its almost spineless branchlets and small flowers, which are normally borne in small separate clusters, not in a large compound inflorescence as shown in the Botanical Magazine....
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 91.  
Rosa corymbulosa Rolfe An unarmed or sparingly prickly rose from central China. The numerous small flowers, which are deep rose above and white at the base, are three-quarters to an inch wide.
Book  (1916)  Page(s) 339, vol. 2.  
Rami glabri. 
   Stipulae planae. 
      Foliola 1.5-7 cm. longa, plerumque acuta. Corymbi saepe multiflori. 
          Corymbi multiflori. 
              Rami aculeis tantum muniti v. fere inermes. 
                  Styli plus minusve exserti, liberi. Foliola subtus pubescentia. 
                      Foliola 7-11, simpliciter serrata. Inflorescentia corymbosa; pedicelli 1.5-3. cm. longi
— 24. R. Davidii. 
                      Foliola 5-7, plus minusve dupliciter serrata. Inflorescentia subumbellata; pedicelli graciles, 2-4 cm. longi
— 25. R. corymbulosa. 

Note: The plant described by Rolfe was raised from seed Wilson had collected. But there is a contradiction: Wilson described the styles as more-or-less exserted and free, whereas Rolfe wrote, "styli villosi, in columnam 4 mm. longam cohaerentes", hairy styles  in a coherent column.
Magazine  (Jul 1914)  Page(s) vol.140, Tab. 8566.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa corymbulosa
Rosaceae. Tribe Roseae.
Rosa, Linn, ; Benth. et Hook, f. Gen. Plant, vol. i. p. 625.
Rosa (§ Cinnamomeae) corymbulosa, Rolfe; species distincta, inter affines ramulis inermibus vel parce armatis, floribus parvis numerosis et corymbulosim dispositia distinguenda.
Frutex erectus vel scandens, parce ramosus, 1-2-metralis ; ramuli laeves, inermes vel interdum parce aculeati, aculeis geminatis rectis patentibus gracilibus 5-6 mm. longis basi latis, demum brunnei. Folia conferta, 4-9 cm. longa, 3-5-foliolata ; rhachis puberula et sparse glandulosa, aculeis gracilibus paucis instructa ; foliola subsessilia, ovato-oblonga, subacuta, crebre duplicato-serrata, subtus glauca vel cinereo-puberula, 1.5 cm. longa. 0.4-2 cm. lata; stipulae adnatae, anguste oblongae, acutae, 8-10 mm. longae, marginibus crebre glandulosis. Flores corymbulosi, numerosi, versus apices ramorum dispositi, 2-2.5 cm. diametro; pedunculi circiter 2 cm. longi, glanduloso-setolosi. Receptaculum ovoideo-oblongum, glanduloso-setulosum, 4 mm. longum. Calycis lobi ovato-oblongi, caudato-acuminati, puberuli vel subtomentosi, circiter 8 mm. longi, patentes vel reflexi. Petala late obcordata. Filamenta glabra, 2-3 mm. longa, antheris aureis. Fructus globosas, glandulosus, circiter 8 mm. longus, sepalis persistentibus coronatus. Achaenia dorso villosa, 2 mm. longa; styli villosi, in columnam 4 mm. longam cohaerentes. — B. A. Rolfe.

The distinct and striking Rose here described is perhaps most nearly allied to R. macrophylla, Lindl., but differs in being almost spineless when mature, and in having many small flowers which are borne in corymbs towards the ends of the branches. It was raised at Kew from seeds presented by Professor Sargent of the Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, in the spring of 1908. These seeds had been collected in Western China in autumn 1907, under the field-number 630A, by Mr. E. H. Wilson. The plant from which the material for our plate has been obtained flowered at Kew for the first time in July 1913. At present this plant is a bush about six feet in height, and promises to be a fairly vigorous grower, thriving well in the rather strong loam that roses as a whole delight in. R.corymbulosa had previously been met with in China, for there are specimens in the herbarium at Kew collected by Mr. A. Henry near Wushan in the province of Szechuan and at Hsingshen in the province of Hupeh.

Description.— Shrub, erect or scandent, sparingly branched, 3-6 ft. high ; twigs smooth, when old brown, unarmed or at times sparingly prickly, prickles geminate, straight, spreading, slender, 1/5-1/4 in. long. Leaves rather close-set, 1 1/2-3 1/2 in. long, 3-5-foliolate ; rachis puberulous and sparingly glandular, with a few slender prickles; leaflets subsessile, ovate-oblong, subacute, closely duplicate-serrate, beneath glaucous or grey-puberulous, 2/3 in. long, 1/6-3/4 in. wide ; stipules adnate, narrow-oblong, acute, about1/3 in. long, their margin closely glandular. Flowers numerous, in small corymbs towards the ends of the branches, 3/4-1 in. in diameter ; peduncles about 3/4 in. long glandular-setulose. Receptacle ovoid-oblong, glandular setulose, 1/6 in. long. Calyx-lobes ovate-oblong, caudate-acuminate, puberulous or almost tomentose, about 1/6 in. long, spreading or reflexed, Petals wide-obcordate. Filaments glabrous, 1/12-1/8 in. long, with anthers golden-yellow. Fruit globose, glandular, about 1/3 in. long, tipped by the persistent sepals. Achenes villous on the back, 1/12 in. long ; styles villous, conjoined in a column 1/6 in. long.

Fig. 1, stipules and a proximal leaflet; 2, a flower in vertical section, the petals removed; 3 and 4, anthers; 5, an achene :-all enlarged.
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