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'Sierra Ground Rose' References
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 26-27.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa covillei Greene. A low shrub up to 1 m high, with bristles and weak prickles. Stipules narrow, glandular-ciliate. Leaflets usually 7, oval or obovate, 15-20 mm long, glabrous above, paler and pubescent beneath. Sepals ovate, short acuminate, avout 1 cm long. Hips glabrous, round ovoid. Native of Klamath Co., Oregon, in pine forests.
Book  (1944)  Page(s) 465.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa Bridgesii Crépin. Bridges' Rose. Fig. 2519.
Rosa Bridgesii Crepin, Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 15: 54. 1876.
Rosa gymnocarpa var. pubescent S. Wats. Bot. Calif. 1: 187. 1876.
Rosa crenulata Greene, Leaflets Bot. Obs. 2: 255. 1912.
Rosa oligocarpa Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 532. 1918.

Stems slender, low and spreading, 2-10 cm. high, armed with straight or slightly curved infrastipular prickles, the floral branches often unarmed. Stipules glandular-ciliate; petioles with gland-tipped teeth, finely pubescent on both surfaces; flowers mostly solitary; pedicels glabrous or somewhat glandular-hispid; hypanthium glabrous, globose, 6-7 mm. broad in fruit; sepals ovate, acuminate, about 8 mm. long, deciduous with the styles. Open pine forest, Arid Transition Zone; southern Oregon to the southern Sierra Nevada, California. Type locality: California. June-July.
Book  (1944)  Page(s) 463.  
Rosa Covillei Greene, Leaflets Bot. Obs. 2: 262. 1912. Stems less than 1 m. high, glaucescent, bristly and with weak straight infrastipular prickles. Stipules narrow, glandular-ciliate; petioles and rachis more or less glandular; leaflets 7, oval or obovate, 15-20 mm. long, serrate, glabrous above, puberulent beneath; flowers solitary; pedicels glabrate; hypanthium glabrous, round-ovoid, contracted into a neck, 1.5 mm. broad in fruit; sepals ovate, short-acuminate, about 1 cm. long. Originally collected in the yellow pine forests south of Naylox, Klamath County, Oregon. Perhaps only a local variation of Rosa Macounii Greene.
Book  (1944)  Page(s) 459.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa myriadènia Greene. Glandular Rose. Fig. 2505.
Rosa myriadenia Greene, Leaflets Bot. Obs. 2: 263. 1912.
Stems low, with spreading branches, armed with slender terete distinctly curved infrastipular prickles. Leaves 5-foliolate; stipules broad, densely glandular and slightly prickly; leaflets oval, 1-2 cm long, doubly serrate, with gland-tipped teeth, dark green and glabrous above, densely pilose beneath and glandular on the veins; flowers 1-3; pedicels glabrous; hypanthium globose, with a short neck; sepals caudate-attenuate, glandular-hispid and sometimes prickly on the back.
Transition Zone; southern Oregon, west of the Cascade mountains. Type locality: Huckleberry Mountain, Jackson County, Oregon. May-July.
Book  (1944)  Page(s) 459.  
Rosa yainacensis Greene, Pittonia 5: 109. 1903. Stems low and depressed, armed, often densely so, with long straight prickles. Leaves usually 7-foliolate; stipules densely glandular-denticulate; petioles and rachis with numerous short-stalked glands and a few prickles; leaflets oval to obovate, rarely 2 cm. long, doubly toothed, glabrous and dark green above, pale and puberulent beneath; flowers usually solitary; pedicels densely glandular-hispid; hypanthium globose, glabrous; sepals often with foliaceous tips, sparingly glandular-hispid and prickly.
Upper Sonoran and Arid Transition Zones; southern Oregon east of the Cascades, also adjacent California. Type locality: hills of the Yainax Indian Reservation, Oregon. May-July.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 74.  
myriadenia Greene (Durandii-family) [pollen quality] 45% [ploidy] 28
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 80.  
yainacensis Greene (dry region ecotype of Durandii Crép.) [pollen quality] 83% [ploidy] 28
Book  (1907)  Page(s) 510.  
Rosa yainacensis Greene, Pittonia 5 : 109. 1903.
Stem low, depressed, armed with straight, long, sometimes numerous prickles; stipules adnate, densely glandular-denticulate on the margins; petiole and rachis with numerous short-stalked....
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 109-110 issued 1903.  
Rosa yainacensis Apparently low and depressed, the branches only 6 or 8 inches long, unarmed except for pairs of stout and prominent nearly straight infrastipular prickles:...leaflets in about 3 pairs...oval...doubly serrate...deeply green above...pale and [downy] beneath..most solitary flowers. Hills of the Yainax Indian Reservation, southeastern Oregon, 1893, Mrs. R. M. Austin; types in my own herbarium.
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