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'Semi-Double Musk Rose' References
Website/Catalog  (1810)  Page(s) 15.  
Collection de rosiers à fleurs doubles.
Rosa moschata alba, plena...Rosier muscade blanche, double.
Book  (1806)  Page(s) fasc. 4, tab. 94.  Includes photo(s).
ROSA moschata, Var. flore pleno.
Double Musk Rose.

Specific Character. Rose, with many-flowered panicles, scented like musk; peduncles villose, petioles prickly; the leaflets are oblong, pointed, and smooth; the spines of the branches are broad, scattered, and straight.

This variety of the Musk Rose differs but little, if at all, from the single, except in its semi-double flowers, which in that particular give to the plant a very distinct appearance; but in every other respect it is so closely allied, that it may justly be called the prototype of the former; more especially as upon the single plant double flowers have sometimes been found, but not frequent; and careful cultivation has now rendered it a circumstance of very rare occurrence. Its blossoms certainly form a richer appearance than the single: their fragrance is by some thought stronger, by others weaker; on the propriety of which we shall make no further comment, than merely to observe that we regard an appeal to the olfactory organs of all references the most imperfect.
This plant, as well as the former, is frequently on the upper part of the branches free from spines, but on the lower part of the stems they are extremly large and strong.
Our figure was made from plants in the nursery of Messrs. Colville, King's Road.
Website/Catalog  (1804)  Page(s) 75.  
Die weisse doppelte Muschaden, die im Aug. und Sept. bis es zufriert, so sehr viel kleine weisse gefüllte Rosen in einem Büschel bringt. .... 1 Thaler

The white Double Musk, which produces numerous small white double cluster-flowered blooms from Augus and September until frost .... 1 Thaler
Book  (1803)  Page(s) 480 - 481.  
Rosier arbre. Rosa arborea Oliv. On peut l'appeler le Géant des rosiers. C'est Olivet, membre de l'Institut, qui nous a fait connoître cet arbre. Il l'a vu à Ispahan, dans les jardins du roi de Perse, et il en a rapporté de la graine en France; il y en a en ce moment deux pieds à Paris, l'un chez Cels, l'autre chez Dupont. Olivier, qui a bien voulu nous communiquer ses observations sur ce rosier, le soupçonne originaire des contrées orientales de la Perse. Il s'élève à la hautuer des nos pruniers. Il a des fleurs blanches, doubles, petites, ou de grandeur moyenne et nombreuses. Ses fruits sont lisses et oblongs. Il est très-peu épineux. Il porte à Ispahan le nom de rosier de la Chine.
Website/Catalog  (1802)  Page(s) 114.  
1937. Rosa moschata plena, Rosier musqué à fleurs pleines.
Book  (1802)  Page(s) 462.  
Rosier, Rosa, Lin.
Muscate, ou d'Alexandrie, double. Moschata. Blanc sale.
Book  (1799)  Page(s) tab 53.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa moschata Double Musk Rose
Website/Catalog  (1796)  Page(s) 25.  
Moschata Var. flore pleno...Double Musk Rose
Website/Catalog  (1790)  Page(s) 14.  
Rose Muscata wit .... 1 Gulden
Book  (1785)  Page(s) 354-355.  
The Semi-double and Double Musk, or White Cluster-Roses, are late-flowering sorts. They will begin flowering in August, and continue so till the frost puts an end to the glories of the season. The stalks are covered with a smooth green bark, which will be armed with a few very strong, brown, crooked spines. The flowers are of a pure white, and produced in large clusters, at the end of the branches. These are at present not common, and are much coveted by the curious.
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