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'Semi-Double Musk Rose' References
Book  (1735)  
The double Musk Rose. moschata, flore pleno. C. B. P.
Book  (1734)  Page(s) 91.  Includes photo(s).
Productions of the Month of O C T O B E R.....
Numb. X X V I . Double-white Musk Rose. This is the Virginia Cluster Rose, which will bring long Spikes of Flowers, to the Number of an hundred, or two, or three, and sometimes many more; I have computed above seven hundred Flowers and Buds on one Sprig, at Mr. Topham's at Windsor. The Plant is. propagated like the Cinnamon Rose, Numb. I. in the Month of May.

[Possibly Richard Topham (1671-1730) MP of New Windsor]
Book  (1730)  Page(s) 67.  
The Double Musk Rose. C. B. P. 482. Park. Parad. 417...J. B. Vol. II.45.
Book  (1724)  
The Double Musk Rose, which rises high, with many green Branches, and shining green Leaves, arm'd with great sharp Thorns, with Flowers which come forth in a Tuft not very double: there is also another of this Kind bearing single Roses; the Flowers of both of them have a musky Scent.
Book  (1717)  Page(s) 64.  
De Muskus-Rose
Book  (1700)  Page(s) 637.  
Rosa moschata, flore pleno C.B.Pin.482. Rosa moschata minor flore pleno J.B.2.47. Rosa muscata, alba, multiplex Tabern.Icon.1086.
Book  (1696)  Page(s) 191.  
Rosa moschata minor, flore pleno C.B.P. I.B. infitâ voce Rosa damaschina, minuri, duppia.
Book  (1695)  Page(s) 116.  

Les Rosier musquats blancs, veulent être taillés tous les ans en l'Autonne ou au Printems à un demi pied prés de terre, il faut les couvrir de long fumier pendant l'hyver de crainte qu'ils ne gèlent & au Printems vous leur donnez un léger labour, lors que vous leur ôtés ledit fumier.
Et quand les fleurs commencent à paroistre, s'il y a des jets qui n'en ayent point il faut les tailler à un pied & demy de bas, & á chaque œil il poussera un jet, qui donnera aussi beaucoup de fleurs vers l'Autonne.

Book  (1690)  
Rosa moschata.
Book  (1690)  Page(s) 244.  
Rosa moschata flore pleno, C.B. Double Musk or Damask Roses. Rosa moschata, Lob.ic. alba multiplex, Tab. alba Damascena flore pleno, Eyst. Damascena sive moschata pleno flore Cam. Sativa quinta multiplex, Dod. These two roses are, although small, have the sweetest fragrance and are not less than the Apothecary's Musk. the colour is white, but a yellow is seen when turning. Our cold is too strong for them: therefore it is better to place them on a trellis like oranges. Otherwise they desire the sunniest location like other roses...and to be kept moist...In mild winters they can remain in the garden if covered; In hard winters they are endangered.
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