'R. multiflora carnea' rose Description
Photo courtesy of North Houston Roses
Light pink Species. Exhibition name: R. multiflora carnea
Light pink. Mild fragrance. Small, double (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer.
Small foliage. 5 to 7 leaflets.
Height: 9'10" (300cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Rosa multiflora var. carnea Redouté & Thory (1821) The early Hybrid Multifloras (Seven Sisters, Laure Davoust, de la Grifferaie) are derived from 'Carnea,' which was either a garden variety or a species hybrid, and not the species Rosa multiflora. See References.
An early gardening name for R. multiflora was R. umbellata. The reference to R. umbellata flore carneo is attributed by some to R. rubiginosa var. umbellata, but the blooms of the latter are not double. The drawing by Bertuch has similarities to that in the Botanical Register (1819), however the former states that blooms are 2-4 inches large, in clusters of 4-5, the plant is about 4 feet tall and not very tender. A different rose than today's 'Multiflora carnea'?