'The Bamboo Rose' Description
Photo courtesy of Susan's New Zealand Rose Garden
Light pink to white. Small, single (4-8 petals) bloom form.
Arching, bushy, well-branched. Matte, variegated foliage. 5 to 7 leaflets.
Height: 3' to 9' (90 to 275cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
If you know the parentage of this rose, or other details, please contact us.
Watsoniana was lovingly described by the great English garden designer Gertrude Jekyll: "There are not many Roses that are distinctly unbeautiful, but this may certainly be said of R. Watsoni, a curious plant from Japan. It has small, mean colourless flowers in rather shapeless trusses that have the appearances of being stunted or blighted; the leaves are twisted and attenuated, and their set and action have an aimless character; they also look as if some enemy has been at work upon them or as if they had been passed through boiling water. "
The US Depart. of Agriculture GRIN Taxonomy classifies this rose as a form of R. multiflora, rather than a variety. Introduced from Japan.