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'Rosa X damascena 'Quatre Saisons'' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 106-686
most recent 28 NOV 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 NOV 17 by CybeRose
H. C. Andrews (1805) wrote that some people mistakenly supposed that 'La Rose de quatre Saisons' was the same as the Monthly Rose. He insisted that they were quite different. Münchhausen, below, wrote that the quatre Saisons was "probably" the monthly rose.

Der Hausvater: Mit Kupfern. 1. Anweisung, wie kleine Lustwälder, Pflanzungen und ... (1770) p. 364
By Otto von Münchhausen

La Rose de quatre Saisons. (Bermuthlich die Monat-Rose.) [trans. Probably the Monthly Rose]
La Rose de Princesse, ou de May & Septembre.
La Rose à la Reine double & incarnate, très petite & magnifique.
La Rose couleur de feu double.
Discussion id : 99-598
most recent 22 OCT 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 MAY 17 by Andrew from Dolton
The parentage of 'Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux' is given as "Sport of 'Autumn Damask', but 'Autumn Damask' does not list 'Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux' as one of its sports.
Reply #1 of 15 posted 19 MAY 17 by Patricia Routley
Yes it does Andrew, but a little hard to recognise. One of the sports of 'Quatre Saisons' ('Autumn Damask') is listed as 'Rosier de Thionville', which is a synonym of 'Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux'.
Reply #2 of 15 posted 20 MAY 17 by Andrew from Dolton
'Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux' is just coming into flower for the first time, in my garden, I am VERY excited!
Reply #3 of 15 posted 21 OCT 17 by thebig-bear
Hi Andrew,
How did 'Quatre Saison Blanc Mousseux' perform for you, and what did you think of it?
My Quatre Saison is a beautiful flower, when it doesn't ball, and it never repeats for some reason, no matter what I do with it.
Reply #4 of 15 posted 21 OCT 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Hello Steve,

'Quatre Saison Blanc Mousseux' has grown quite well on a sunny bank in "soil" that is almost pure shillet. It tried to flower well but as you say they ball easily. Very healthy, no signs of blackspot. An attempt at remontance was thwarted by the weather.
Reply #5 of 15 posted 21 OCT 17 by thebig-bear
I'm giving mine another year as one last chance to redeem itself - well, that's probably a bit harsh, as when it does it's stuff it's amazingly beautiful, but I do have a bit of a 50/50 relationship with it. I've tried the "cut it down low in Dec/Jan" tactic, and I've tired the "leave it alone and see what happens" approach. The only difference it seems to make is the amount of growth production, although to be fair it did flower more profusely this year after the hard trim. This time I might try pegging the long stems down to see what that does.
Reply #6 of 15 posted 21 OCT 17 by Margaret Furness
Quatre Saisons is a survivor rose in old cemetries and roadsides in my area (zone 9b, Mediterranean climate), often sporting to (or reverting from) Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux. So is Kazanlik (Trigintipetala). I'm being simplistic rather than looking closely, but if it repeats, I call it QS; if it doesn't, I assume it's Kazanlik. Are you sure which one you have? Or is it a climate difference that causes lack of repeat?
I agree with the writer who said the buds of QSBM are better than the flowers. QSBM leaves and stems look dusty to me; maybe the moss catches dust. But I haven't noticed that on other mosses.
Reply #7 of 15 posted 21 OCT 17 by Andrew from Dolton
The blooms have a disorganised shape but their damask fragrance is divine. The buds have their covering of moss that has the most delicious resin scent; even if the flowers ball before they open.
Reply #9 of 15 posted 21 OCT 17 by thebig-bear
Hi Andrew,
Yes, the scent is stupendously good, and so different from the 'damask' usually quoted in different more modern roses. This is about as pure as it gets. Interesting that the White Moss version has the extra benefit of scented mossy buds. I might look into getting one of those.

P.s. btw, did you receive my reply the other day alright?
Reply #8 of 15 posted 21 OCT 17 by thebig-bear
Hi Margaret,
Yes, it could be that I don't have the right plant - however, I think it probably is as I got it from a reputable grower. The other thing that makes me think that it is down to either my lack of understading it's needs, due to the climate, or something else unexplained, is that my Duchess of Portland does exactly the same thing - it flowers beautifully once and that is it, it never even shows signs of repeat, just lots and lots of growing. Mine is around 5/6 feet tall at the moment, which I don't think it should be - in fact I have just had to move it as it was getting far too big for the space. At least where Quatre Saison is it is able to be big if it wants to.

As I said earlier, based on Graham Thomas' suggetion for increased repeat flowering in the books I have, I cut these two and Comte de Chambord down to about a quarter of their size in December, and, admittedly, they have all grown stupendously, but only Comte de Chambord has benefitted from better rebloom. The others just gave a pretty good show for 3/4 weeks and that was that.

Any ideas what to try next? I wondered if they need watering more or something.
Reply #10 of 15 posted 21 OCT 17 by Andrew from Dolton
All moss roses (and some other types too) have resinous glands around the buds and new shoots that have a lovely scent. Another moss rose with ugly flowers is 'Mousseux du Japon', it has a strong pure rose oil fragrance; but the moss? Well you can have too much of a good thing!
Reply #11 of 15 posted 22 OCT 17 by Margaret Furness
The roadside survivors are in areas of average rainfall 700-750mm, with intermittent drought thanks to El Nino, and they don't get extra water. So I doubt that it's lack of water that's your problem. Not that I'm an expert on growing; my rose knowledge is largely theoretical.
Even the big nurseries get burnt with wrong labels at times.
Reply #12 of 15 posted 22 OCT 17 by Patricia Routley
I have two bushes of 'Trigintipetala' (own roots from the Pinjarra Heritage Rose Garden in 1997) in what is now a fairly shaded area. I continue to marvel that in 20 years, I have never seen ONE bloom on these two bushes. They get the same ferty regime as all other roses here.
Reply #13 of 15 posted 22 OCT 17 by Margaret Furness
I marvel at your perseverance!
Reply #14 of 15 posted 22 OCT 17 by thebig-bear
So do I!
Reply #15 of 15 posted 22 OCT 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Perhaps they need a baking in full sun?
Discussion id : 93-066
most recent 19 MAY 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 MAY 16 by Joan Richardson
In an interview on July 13, 1948 printed in the Corpus Christi Caller Times, Anna Moore Schwien, a former slave speaks of her childhood during the Civil War in Corpus Christi. She relates "At that time there was only one rose bush Corpus Christi and it was called the Rose of Castile. It was pale pink and very fragrant. It grew on a great big bush in the yard of a woman named Trinidad who lived where the Perkins Brothers store was later.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 MAY 17 by Rosewild
I've been researching the Rose of Castile and unfortunately these historic comments never describe the flower, whether it was double or single petalled. Do you know if the Corpus Christi rose was double or single petalled?
Discussion id : 92-629
most recent 9 MAY 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 MAY 16 by AquaEyes
Today I noticed something interesting about my potted band of 'Quatre Saisons'. It had a few blooms which dropped their petals, but what remained on the plant still emitted a fragrance. Getting up close, I realized it was the stamens, and the scent they were wafting was that of cloves -- just like its R. moschata grandparent. This wasn't the resinous scent of the sepals -- clipping the stamens and holding them in my hand isolated the clove scent. Perhaps this feature wasn't noted previously because of the strong fragrance from the petals. And perhaps that spicy note of cloves is a "piece of the whole" which we call the "classic Damask scent".


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