'BENblack' rose Description
Photo courtesy of dee choi
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Dark red, with petals edges or the entire bloom appearing almost black when in full sun.. Mild fragrance. Average diameter 1". Full (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Height: 18" to 2' (45 to 60cm).
USDA zone 4b through 10b. Can be used for beds and borders, container rose, cut flower, exhibition or specimen. Disease susceptibility: susceptible to Mildew. Requires spring freeze protection (see glossary - Spring freeze protection) . Can be grown in the ground or in a container (container requires winter protection).
New Zealand - Patent No: 579 on 18 Jul 1991 United States - Patent No: PP 5,925 on 7 Apr 1987 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication on 28 May 1985
This dark red miniature represents a color breakthrough in roses. Its wide, dark, velvety petals are the closest to black ever created in a rose. The plant is upright and vigorous. 1985 AOE winner.
Justice Miniature Roses says this rose is a near-black with a large following across the United States. It is happiest in partial shade where the color is the most intense... Black Jade was removed from the Auckland Regional Botanic Gardens (ARBG) Display Trial because its trial period expired.