PhotoComments & Questions 
Belle Époque  rose photo courtesy of Paul Barden
Discussion id : 36-383
most recent 17 MAY 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 MAY 09 by Cass
Paul, I just saw an open bloom of Belle Epoque, and I'm struck by the similarity to About Face. Have you compared the two in your garden?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 15 MAY 09 by Paul Barden
Hi Cass,
No, I have not had an opportunity top see them side by side. I saw 'About Face' once and it didn't occur to me there was any similarity to any other rose. I'll have a closer look at 'About Face' next time I encounter it.

One thing: I would say that 'About Face' likely has far better vigor than 'Belle Epoque'.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 17 MAY 09 by Kathy Strong
I grow both Belle Epoque and About Face. They are very different roses, albeit, I cannot say "side by side" as my 3 About Face plants are in the ground and my 1 Belle Epoque is in a pot. About Face is 100% grandiflora -- the way grandiflora's should grow. It sets its first spring flush at about 5 feet in height, and then begins to set candelabras where each former bloom was deadheaded and reaching, by the end of a California summer, about 8 feet and VERY full of blooms, albeit somewhat smaller blooms by that time. Very quick repeat bloomer on a vigorous plant. Also, About Face is a thorny devil and a stiff upright grower. Belle Epoque does none of that -- much more standard short Hybrid Tea habit.
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