Initial post
14 NOV 09 by
According to the Tea Book, 'Souv. d'Elise Vardon' in commerce in Australia is 'Mlle Franziska Krüger'.
#1 of 3 posted
14 NOV 09 by
I allready thought it could be Mlle Franziska Krüger, but this rose might have little smaller , different flowers and sometimes this certain yellow.It is similar to Beales Queen Mab, which probably is wrong too, both roses easily get mildew.
It's worth checking whether the pedicel and receptacle are smooth or glandular. Souv de Elise Varden should have a rough, glandular pedicel and receptacle, Mlle F. Kruger's are smooth.
Do the blooms sometimes develop a green vegetative centre? Mlle Franzisca Kruger isn't the only rose to do this, but it is prone to green eye. Other things to check are the colour of the new growth - Mlle F. Kruger has smooth, dark reddish - mahogany-like new growth and leaves which have conspicuously impressed secondary veins, giving a striated effect.
#3 of 3 posted
15 NOV 09 by
Hello Billy
Just in this moment i do not have access to my english rose description terminologie. So I can´t answer at this time (except Jedmar Helps) This rose surly has a green eye, i felt it never was so large like the one from Mlle Franzika Krüger. The Rosebud seems to be smaler too. The young wood is very dark redish and Mahagony like, but quite thorny too.
There are four roses I have to compare which are quite similar but maybe diffrent. Queen Mab Beales, Souvenir d´Elise Vardon, Mlle Franziska Krüger and the Souvenir d´un Ami from Sangerhausen and Andre Eve (Which are similar), the last rose I mentioned, i posted a picture by HMF.Photo Id: 113905 I think the Queen Mab Beales and Souv. d´Elise Verdun Beales, are the same