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Color is not right and form is wrong.
#1 of 1 posted
13 DEC 09 by
There must be a problem with the photograph presented by Cliff, Id 31578, like with obtaining. I have the catalogue Tschanz 1983-84 with a photograph similar to the mienne and the following indications:
Gilbert Bécaud® Meiridorio Pink Meilland 1980… The most beautiful pink of France 1979.
(Gilbert Bécaud ® Meiridorio Rose Meilland 1980. La forme élégante et le gai coloris jaune ambré de cette très belle variété vous enchantera. La plus belle rose de France 1979.)
A new rose would it have taken the same name? The catalogue Meilland-Richardier 1989 presents the same rose (Réf. 10/197) as Tschanz (photo reversed)