PhotoComments & Questions 
Discussion id : 76-308
most recent 29 JAN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 JAN 14 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
Yes, WOW!!

How does it do in 90-100+ temps?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 28 JAN 14 by Cliff
Surprisingly well. This photo was taken in the high desert, where highs in summer are usually over 90, but I have the same plant now growing in my low desert garden where highs in summer are rarely under 100 and often over 110 degrees, and it continues to do extremely well.

Reply #2 of 3 posted 29 JAN 14 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
Thanks, Cliff. That will be perfect here, and I'm planting one this spring.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 29 JAN 14 by Cliff
Dianne, I just posted a few more photos of Pearly Gates, all taken in the new garden. I'm growing it on one of the four posts of a covered pergola, which is quite different from the shrub-like growth it had in the high desert, but it quickly climbed to the top of the post and is almost never without at least some blooms on it.
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